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Matt Groening - amerikai rajzfilmkészítő, forgatókönyvíró, és producer, a Simpson család atyja - bevallotta, hol játszódik valójában Homérék animációs sorozata: a város az Oregonban található Springfield után lett elnevezve. "Az egyetlen oka ennek, hogy amikor gyerek…..
Ma hajnalban, kéthónapos betegség után 63 éves korában elhunyt Bernáthy Sándor, a magyar kortárs művészet egyik neves alakja. Előbb képzőművészként tevékenykedett, majd zenei pályafutását az A.E. Bizottság alapító tagjaként kezdte, később meghatározó szerepet töltött…..
sesq 2012.01.13 13:21:02
  Amennyiben van olyan története, amit szívesen megosztana másokkal is, esetleg furcsa, megdöbbentő interjúban vagy munkahelyi szituációban volt része, akkor írja meg nekünk a címre!   Ha munkajogi segítségre szorul, írjon a…..
sesq 2011.10.20 13:06:30
Akiraly hangulatkeltő cikkeit már megszokhattuk, most egy újabb: azonban már túlzás, hogy a címlapon lévő beharangozóban és a cikk végén a konklúzióban is egy az egyben (jobb esetben) tévedést ír…..
sesq 2009.10.16 02:24:33
egy jo sztori:

Barack Obama's Work in Progress

[L]ast March 13, when the incendiary sermons of Obama’s pastor, Jeremiah Wright, blew up all over the cable networks, Obama had spent the entire day and evening in the Senate. That Friday, after enduring a series of tough interviews, Obama informed Axelrod and campaign manager David Plouffe, “I want to do a speech on race.” And he added, “I want to make this speech no later than next Tuesday. I don’t think it can wait.” Axelrod and Plouffe tried to talk him into delaying it: He had a full day of campaigning on Saturday, a film shoot on Sunday, and then another hectic day campaigning in Pennsylvania on Monday. Obama was insistent. On the Saturday-morning campaign conference call, Favreau was told to get to work on a draft immediately. Favreau replied, “I’m not writing this until I talk to him.”

That evening, Saint Patrick’s Day, less than seventy-two hours before the speech would be delivered to a live audience, Favreau was sitting alone in an unfurnished group house in Chicago when the boss called. “I’m going to give you some stream of consciousness,” Obama told him. Then he spoke for about forty-five minutes, laying out his speech’s argumentative construction. Favreau thanked him, hung up, considered the enormity of the task and the looming deadline, and then decided he was “too freaked out by the whole thing” to write and went out with friends instead.
On Sunday morning at seven, the speechwriter took his laptop to a coffee shop and worked there for thirteen hours. Obama received Favreau’s draft at eight that evening and wrote until three in the morning. He hadn’t finished by Monday at 8 a.m., when he set the draft aside to spend the day barnstorming across Pennsylvania. At nine thirty that night, a little more than twelve hours before the speech was to be delivered, Obama returned to his hotel room to do more writing. At two in the morning, the various BlackBerrys of Axelrod, Favreau, Plouffe, and Jarrett sounded with a message from the candidate: Here it is. Favs, feel free to tweak the words. Everyone else, the content here is what I want to say. Axelrod stood in the dark reading the text: “The profound mistake of Reverend Wright’s sermons is not that he spoke about racism in our society. It’s that he spoke as if our society was static; as if no progress has been made.… But what we know—what we have seen—is that America can change. That is the true genius of this nation. What we have already achieved gives us hope—the audacity to hope—for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.”

He e-mailed Obama: This is why you should be president.
Obama naming Huntsman ambassador to China  President Barack Obama named Republican Utah Gov. Jon M. Huntsman Jr. as his pick for ambassador to China, likely removing one of his strongest potential challengers in the 2012 presidential campaign from the running....Huntsman is often mentioned as a…..
President Barack Obama’s plan to use high-level White House aides — instead of Cabinet secretaries — to coordinate high-priority policy initiatives puts a unique stamp on the structure of his administration. szerintem a valo…..
sesq 2009.05.04 19:51:38
@clownfish: hogy sikerult? es mi sikerult hogy?
 Stock markets shot up as much as 4 percent this morning after the Treasury Department unveiled a new plan to help banks cleanse their balance sheets of toxic assets.  Shortly before noon, the blue-chip Dow Jones industrial average was up 3.7 percent, or 268 points, to 7,546.1, while…..
sesq 2009.03.23 23:39:01
The market’s got a fee-vah and the only prescription is more Tim Geithner

...This was the biggest point gain since November 13, 2008, and the 5th biggest point gain in its history. It was the biggest percentage gain since October 28, 2008 and the 20th biggest percentage gain in its history.

The Treasury plan “may be a game-changer, because it’s been sprinkled with some better-than-expected economic data,” says Tom Sowanick, chief investment officer at Clearbrook Financial in Princeton, N.J. “If the tea leaves all start to line together I think this will be the beginning of a major bull market.”…

“You cannot fight this intervention,” Steve Grasso, of Stuart Frankel, told CNBC. “When you start to see the market just climb after weeks and months of being sold out, you have to participate.”
           Eddig is tudtuk, hogy a demokraták igen szeretik az USA fábrisanyiját, de hogy ennyire... :P Your SloganWe'll go through all of the slogans you submit, and the winner will have his…..
 A tegnap közölt megdöbbentő jelentés második, befejező része: A Tanár úr színre lép   Obama beiktatása, gyors reformintézkedései, a dollár erősödése, valamint a Financial Timesnak adott februári Orbán-interjú tették világossá a wall street-i kör számára, hogy…..
A feltörekvő gazdaságok, köztük Magyarország és Ukrajna problémáit említette Barack Obama amerikai elnök kedden, amikor a globális pénzügyi válság nemzetközi következményeiről beszélt a Fehér Házban. Az amerikai elnök aznap fogadta hivatalában Gordon Brown brit…..
Fehér Ház Kommentelők Filmek 2009.02.25 00:26:25
Három filmet is láttam mostanában, ami az Amerikai Elnökökkel, vagy az elnökválasztással foglalkozik, hol komoly, hol kevésbé szigorú megközelítésben. Csalódást keltett: W. Oliver Stone az egyik kedvenc rendezőm, de 9 éve nem tett le semmi igazán eredetit az asztalra. Most, a…..
Fehér Ház Kommentelők SOTU 2009.02.25 14:02:00
On Obama's SOTU address By CAROL E. LEE NYT: “the president reported to the nation that things have skidded wildly off course.”; WaPo: “Balances Optimism & Urgency" FT:“‘Reaganesque’ Obama seeks to shift paradigm” Forbes: “One-Two Punch…..
sesq 2009.03.03 23:54:07
blogpost of the day :))

Does Anybody Here Understand What A Tax Bracket Is?

My post about ignorant rich people who think they can have a higher after-tax income by holding their earnings under $250,000 a year brought on a follow-up from National Review's Stephen Spruiell:

"But these taxpayers have other reasons to be worried. Obama has proposed increasing the tax rate on capital gains and dividends from 15 to 20 percent for those taxpayers earning over $250,000 (married) and $200,000 (single). If that's implemented without any kind of phase-in, then going from $249,999 to $250,000 incurs a pretty big tax penalty, right? Maybe I'm wrong about this (if I am, I'm sure Chait will let me know)."

Jesus Christ, yes, you're wrong. Taxes on capital gains income and dividends work the same as taxes on ordinary income. When you move int a higher bracket, only the income above that level is taxes at the higher rate. So, the lowest ordinary income tax rate is 10%. Everybody, including Bill Gates, pays some of their income tax at the 10% rate. Nobody pays their highest tax rate on all their income.

Commenter "ratnerstar" has the right idea here: It's time to stop educating these ignorant rich people and start taking advantage of them. We have some number of high-income people out there who earnestly think they can increase their take-home pay by decreasing their salaries.This is one of the great scamming opportunities of all time, with the side bonus that the targets richly deserve their fate.
sesq 2009.03.04 14:00:35
Inside the Dems' anti-Rush plan

Steele Cage Death Match

This morning I heard Don Imus moaning through a hole in his cowboy hat for the umpteenth time that it didn't make sense for Obama to be going after Rush Limbaugh, Imus being too set in his grizzled ways to comprehend the Machiavellian-Sun Tzu-Jedi mind game that's just been played.
Obama fokozza a pakisztáni célpontok elleni támadásokat   Barack Obama elnökválasztási kampányában többször is hangoztatta, hogy Pakisztán beleegyezése nélkül is rakétatámadásokat intéz az al-Kaida pakisztáni táborai ellen. A Washington Post értesülései szerint egy…..
Biden trip yields few tangible returns "America will do more, but American will ask more from its partners," he said in a speech that was warmly received but might have had some European officials privately longing for the Bush administration's tendency not to expect much, if anything, of…..
What 3.6 Million Jobs Lost Over 13 Months Looks Like This chart compares the job loss so far in this recession to job losses in the 1990-1991 recession and the 2001 recession – showing how dramatic and unprecedented the job loss over the last 13 months has been. Over the last 13 months, our…..
Nos, én speciel alig vártam, hogy hazaérjek, és bekapcsolhassam a tévét. Már órák óta tart a belgrádi "Koszovó = Szerbia" tüntetés. A szerb állami televízió élőben tudósít az eseményről, így aztán én is. 18:48 -ig beszélt már mindenféle ember. Egyet…..