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Andrej Romanovics Csikatilo az egyik legismertebb szovjet sorozatgyilkos. A rosztovi rém néven is ismert ember 1978–1990 között 53 bizonyított gyilkosságot követett el. Ő maga 56 gyilkosságot ismert be, de a nyomozás adatai szerint az áldozatok száma elérhette a 65-öt is. A gyilkosságok nagy részét…..
Rata Tata TA 2015.09.30 15:38:27

This novel, the first in a trilogy, takes inspiration from the crimes of Andrei Chikatilo (though he operated much later), also known as the Rostov Ripper, the Butcher of Rostov, and the Red Ripper, who was convicted of and executed for 52 murders in the Soviet Union. In addition to highlighting the problem of Soviet-era criminality in a state where "there is no crime", the novel explores the paranoia of the age, the education system, the secret police apparatus, orphanages, homosexuality in the USSR, and mental hospitals.

The second book in the trilogy, called The Secret Speech (April 2009)[2] like its predecessor and successor, Agent 6 (published by Simon and Schuster in the UK in July 2011 and in the US in January 2012),[3] features the character Leo Demidov and his wife, Raisa.[4][5]