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Kartavirya 2014.05.05 18:48:03
Dear Mr. Tóth Gyula! Finally at least one of the many fantastic lectures available on the net regarding Magyar origins, traditions and the Magyar legacy in the world has been subtitled in English, namely this Your lecture! I myself am Hungarian and understand the language, but my associate doesn't, however now I can refer him to material also he can understand. On our website I have taken the liberty to translate about half of Your fantastic work "A magyar krónikák és a kitalált középkor", under the title "The Trap of False History" . At the time I tried to get in touch with You but didn't manage to do so in the end. Now I'd like to ask Your permission after-the-fact to publish it.

Now, in Your fantastic presentation "From Scythia to Maghreb" You lament the fact that until now nobody has endeavoured to research the possible Hun connections to the Maghreb as well as the possible forgotten Hun origins of European history, culture and traditions. I've recently come across such a work, it seems: "The Huns, Rome and the Birth of Europe" by Hyun Jin Kim, the Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow at the University of Sydney. The book is available here:

Who knows, maybe this work sheds some light on the forgotten or covered-up Hun origins of modern Europe and supports Your own as well as other great contemporary Magyar researchers' works.

Egy pár szót magyarul mielőtt végzek. Remélem Ön ért angolúl tehát el tudja olvasni amit írtam! Én Svédországban élek kiskorom óta és jobban olvasok magyarul mint beszélek, sanjos. Legalábbis magam szerint. Ön fantasztikus munkát végez és nagyon értékelem. Remélem az ajánlott könyv segíteni fogja Önt és a többi magyarságtudományt kutató őszinte embereket.