92 bejegyzést írt és 14 hozzászólása volt az általa látogatott blogokban.
I never post about my trips in Hungary, although here are so many amazing places as well. Three weeks ago we had a long weekend in Pálköve. It is a cute small village next to lake Balaton. My grandparents had lived there, and i always spent my summer holidays with them. I am so grateful for this sweet memories
2019.06.20 20:24:05

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
Altough the weather was rainy we had a short walk in the colorful and exciting Camden Town in London. We visited the market but we were sooo sooo hungry... we couldn't refuse the bubble waffles at @bubblewafflescamden . We tried a Kinder Bueno style waffle and a white chocolate with strawberry.
#camden #camdentown #camdenmarket #bubblewaffle #bubblewafflescamden #london #audreyfoody #travel #traveltoengland #eatandtravel #travelandeat #ilovetravel #traveler #traveltolondon #traveltheworld #traveladdict #travelphotography #instatravel #travelgram #travelguide #food #foodphotography
2019.05.18 14:16:25

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
We spent one and half day in Oxford, but i felt i could stay for more days. This city is like a time travel to the Middle Ages
2019.05.08 09:05:09

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
One week ago we visited an UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Blenheim Palace. This baroque palace was built between 1705 and 1722. In this palace was born and spent his childhood Winston Churchill. The building and the garden is also amazing. Absolutely recommended to visit both of them. It worth to spend there a whole day. After a long walk in the garden you can have rest on the water terrace cafe. We drunk latte☕ and ate cakes, for example the traditional english scone with butter and jam, walnut cake and toffee cake
2019.04.27 14:04:04

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
The Easter long weekend I spent in the UK. During this time I visited many amazing places in London, Oxford and around this two cities. Earlier i didn't hear about Marlow, but this cute, small town is related to Budapest. Its bridge, the Marlow Suspensed Bride (1832) was designed by an English civil engineer, William Tierney Clark, who was the desinger of the Chain Bridge in Budapest as well. This two briges are quite similar. Near to the bridge we found a cosy pub and drunk hand craft, local beer.
#audreyfoody #marlow #travel #unitedkingdom #greatbritian i#england #marlowbridge #bridge #chainbridge #traveltoengland #beer #craftbeer #ilovetravel #traveladdict #travelgram #instatravel #traveler #travelphotography #travelholic #travelblogger #travelling #travelguide #travellers #travelblog #traveltheworld
2019.04.23 14:53:09

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
In 2017 i had a memorable trip to Indonesia. We visited Java, Lombok, Bali, Flores and Komodo island. I felt in love, not only with Asia
2019.03.24 11:31:50

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
In 2016 I had an amazing, motivational trip to Provence in France. The whole holiday was about physical activities and gastronomy. We hiked on the Mont Ventoux, cycled between the small towns in the ochre area (for example: Roussillon), visited two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Avignon and the Pont du Gard. We swam in Gard river, ate delicious local food, for exapmle black mussels with garlic in white wine.
#provence #france #traveltofrance #travel #roussillon #pontdugard #montventoux #senanque #ilovetravel #ilovefood #instatravel #audreyfoody #travelgram #food #blackmussels #traveler #travelandeat #eatandtravel #traveladdict #travelphotography #travelholic #travelblogger
2019.03.21 12:34:26

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
An other collage about my trip in Athens. After the visit of Acropolis
2019.03.19 11:05:07

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
The last collage of the South Italy trip from the last year in Bari. The city is not too big, you discover it on foot. The old town is really nice and you can eat many different fresh fruit, vegetable and my absolutely favourite focaccia. And of course if you are on the coast, you have to taste seafood too, for example the seafood pasta
#italy #southitaly #bari #traveltoitaly #iloveitaly #ilovetravel #travel #travelandeat #eatandtravel #audreyfoody #ilovefood #ilovetravel #traveler #travelblogger #traveladdict #travelphotography #food #foodie #iloveeating #foodstagram #travelgram #travelholic #travelguide #travelawesome
2019.03.09 15:37:07

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
Alberobello is a small town in Southern Italy (Puglia) near to Bari. Last march I was there and visited the UNESCO World Heritage Site. This place is famous for the trullis, the small limestone houses with cone shaped stone roof which are drystone constructions from the 14th century.
In Alberobelle we found a great pastryshop, the L'Arto Caffé and tasted different types of local desserts. When we left we got a little present of the chef: chocolate trulli sweets.
#alberobello #italy #southitaly #puglia #traveltoitaly #travelandeat #eatandtravel #audreyfoody #iloveitaly #ilovefood #chocolate #ilovechocolate #ilovetravel #traveladdict #travellers #travelblogger #travels #travelphotography #travelholic #instafood #instatravel #travelgram
2019.02.22 15:51:36

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
Polignano a Mare is a gorgeous small town in Southern Italy (near to Bari in Puglia), what I visited one year ago, in March 2018. There is a breathtaking bay with cliffs and incredible blue sea. And you can also enjoy there the world famous italian icecream
2019.02.20 12:57:45

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
One year ago I celebrated my birthday in Barcelona. I tried many local food and visited the most famous and a little hidden places in the city. Here is my four absolutely favourite: churros with hot (melted) chocolate, dried ham, chorizo, olives, cheese from the market... And of course i visited the @basilicasagradafamilia , the most famous building of Gaudí. (It's useful to book the ticket online, you can avoid standing in the long queue) And my other favourite was the Maritime Museum. The building was a ship factory near to sea. It is as gorgeous as the exhibition.
#barcelona #travel #ilovetravel #traveladdict #instatravel #travelling #travellers #traveling #travelblogger #travelphotography #audreyfoody #travelholic #travelandeat #eatandtravel #churros #gaudi #sagradafamilia
2019.02.18 13:08:10

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
Another picture about the Stockholm trip in 2018: Galma Stan, the old town of Stockholm and my amazing delicious dinner in my life: traditional lentil soup, and a kind of fish in lobster-champage sauce with baked potato. I ate in the Nomad Restaurant, next to the hostel where i stayed. The @cbpstockholm was comfortable and clean, absolutely recommended if you want to stay near to everything
2019.02.08 13:53:22

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
I was in Stockholm in November 2018. I visited marvelous places there, for exapmle the Drottningholm Palace. This palace is the residence of the sweden royal family, but a small part of it is open for the visitors. Next to the palace is a café and restaurant, where i drunk hot chocolate and ate a traditional cinnamon bun
2019.02.04 13:34:50

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
In the end of 2018 I travelled to France. I bought tonnes of cheese of course. One evening I prepared a healthy snack with endive leaves, goat cheese, walnut, smoked salmon and some drop of walnut oil. It was brilliant with a glass of white wine
2019.02.01 19:31:48

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
Saturday dinner: fresh goat cheese mixed with radish and onion and colorful salad. The recipe i learnd from a friend in France. Sadly i couldn't buy chive so i had to put in red onion instead of it. #saturday #dinner #goatcheese #radish #salad #food #foodie #foodstyling #foodstagram #foodlover #foodies #foodphotography #foodporn #foodpost #ilovefood #ilovesalad #eating #healthyfood #healthy #healthydinner #colorful
2019.01.12 19:29:21

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
I've spent the begining of 2019 in Lyon.
After the visit in Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse i wanted to eat something local food. I found a great restaurant near to the market. I ordered a season menu, which included a
starter: duck liver bread with mushrom cream
main dish: La Quenelle, the pike fish dumpling with a local souce, fried potato and pasta with cheese souce
dessert: Tarte Tatin, the traditional apple tart with cream
Honestly the main dish, the fish dumpling won't be my favourite food, but the other courses were great
2019.01.04 13:17:38

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
Today i baked some gingerbread with a dear colleague and her three cute nieces. I'm not proud enough of the decoration, so i don't show it
2018.12.16 20:17:34

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...
SATURDAY LUNCH: after a yoga class i wanted to eat something healthy and delicius. I decided to preper a mint seasoned green peas soup, harissa seasoned chicken breast, hummus and tabbouleh. I love Middle East cuisine
2018.12.01 17:59:44

audrey.nagy készítette ezt a képet...

Ahogy közeledik az év vége, az ember elkezd számot vetni, hogy mi is történt az elmúlt hónapokban. Na meg így, hogy a napok is rövidebbek és hűvösebbek (és éppen nem tudok aludni), jó visszagondolni a nyárra, a kirándulásokra, az utazásokra. Azt hiszem, hogy talán az indonéziai…..

Még nincs is egy éve, hogy az indonéziai Rinjani vulkánon túráztam, ami a napokban elég nagy port kavart, a szó szoros értelmében is. Egy földrengés miatt több százan a hegyen rekedtek, megsérültek és néhány ember életét is vesztette. No de nem azért ragadtam billentyűzetet, hogy a hírportálok…..

Jönnek, mennek az emberek egymás életében. Van olyan, aki egy rövid kis epizód fő- vagy mellékszereplője lesz, vannak akik egy egész estés thriller vagy épp romkom szereplői és vannak akik egy sorozatban sok-sok epizódon keresztül elkísérnek vagy épp vissza-visszatérnek. De ami előbb-utóbb…..

Az elmúlt pár napban kaptam már a reklamációkat, hogy mikor jön már új bejegyzés, új recept. Viszont nem szeretem félbehagyni a dolgokat, amikbe belekezdek, így mielőtt visszatérnék a konyhai ihletésű írásokhoz, gyorsan elmesélem, hogy is végződött az ázsiai kaland :) Aztán ígérem, hogy hamarosan…..

Bevallom nőiesen, az előző bejegyzéssel együtt ez is a repülőn született Londonból hazafelé. Már nem szikrázik a szemem az éhségtől (hogy egy nagyon kedves ismerősömet idézzem :)), megkaptam a baguettem :DSzóval utolsó nap Balin nem kellett túl korán kelni, dél tájt indult a…..
Belépve többet láthatsz. Itt beléphetsz