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Nem csak hype volt, Barack Obama tényleg megnyerte. Bár szerkesztőségünk többsége nem rá szavazott volna, azt el kell ismerni, hogy hatalmas győzelmet aratott, gratulálunk neki! Két éve még így nézett volna ki a McCain-Obama meccs a felmérések szerint: Igen,…..
2008.11.05 09:58:08
tényleg nem értem, hogy mit kell ezen elemezni. Teljesen érdektelen ki az elnök és teljesen érdektelen mit írok én...
Evidenciákat ismétlünk ma is. Hiába, alig csengettek be, álmos még a társaság. Gyűlölettörvény kéne már megint, ide mindig az kéne, nagy nemzeti folyamszabályozás. Mert sok a csúnya beszéd, az uszulás, a zsidózás és cigányozás. Nem kell lámpavassal keresni a gyűlöletet…..
2007.09.13 11:16:55
Stalags (in Deutsch: "POW camp") were pocket books whose stories revealed lusty female SS officers sexually abusing camp prisoners. During the 1960s, parallel to the Eichmann trial, sales of this pornographic literature broke all records in Israel as hundreds of thousands of copies were sold at kiosks.
The popularity of the Stalags only declined after a much-reported trial, in which their authors were accused of distributing anti-Semitic pornography. The film examines this notorious phenomenon, exposing the creators of this literary genre for the first time. Moreover it posits that pornographic aspects appears in canonic Holocaust literature and continue to be spreaded as part of the representation of the Holocaust in Israel, in schools, books and trips to Auschwitz.
Director Ari Libsker, born in an orthodox kibbutz in the north of Israel, is a financial journalist and documentary filmmaker. Behind him are the works "Circumcision" (Israel 2004) and "The Home Poem" (Israel 2006). * Director and Co.Pro: Ari Libsker * Producer: Barak Heymann * Editor: Morris Ben-Mayor
The popularity of the Stalags only declined after a much-reported trial, in which their authors were accused of distributing anti-Semitic pornography. The film examines this notorious phenomenon, exposing the creators of this literary genre for the first time. Moreover it posits that pornographic aspects appears in canonic Holocaust literature and continue to be spreaded as part of the representation of the Holocaust in Israel, in schools, books and trips to Auschwitz.
Director Ari Libsker, born in an orthodox kibbutz in the north of Israel, is a financial journalist and documentary filmmaker. Behind him are the works "Circumcision" (Israel 2004) and "The Home Poem" (Israel 2006). * Director and Co.Pro: Ari Libsker * Producer: Barak Heymann * Editor: Morris Ben-Mayor
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