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Sunny but cold day in Bp, very much like this photo. I was trying to find a picture with the city on it but nothing matches better the lights all around than this. Sharp, glowing lights, kind of projecting a halo around the objects. Do you know the feeling when you'd like to go out on a trip, but…..

I just can't help, my heart is bouncing within my chest every time I visit Team Puli Space's page. I feel absolutely honoured to be part of their Small Step Club. There are no words for how much this country needs initiatives and spirit like theirs.Heaven, please send Puli to Space!..

And this is, dear friends, from Romanian folk singer Grigore Lese. There is beauty everywhere in this world...

Manly, loyal, grim. A beau ideal. What else to say.....

Some Southern Italian feeling for you to cheer up.
I loved almost everything there. Certainly wouldn't be able to pick just one thing. I bet Napolitanos could, and I'm thinking now of all that garbage piled up all along the streets (Italians have mastered the Art of Strike), but for…..

Here we are again after an exhausting summer. I shall say nothing went as planned: no vacations in Iceland but in France and Italy instead.I don't know about you but I feel recently sick of hearing the expression relationship and its fellows like contact, get in touch, befriending and so on.…..

The essence of other religions is advice; Christianity is essentially news.(from King's Cross by Tim Keller)..

A nap meghajlott, de azért a faluban tovább is gonoszok voltak. Tovább káromkodtak, tovább csaltak, loptak, hamisan mértek, titkolóztak, elárultak. Tovább voltak testek, bűnre éhes testek, tovább emberkedtek. Mintha sohasem végződött volna be a nap. Jaj, pedig már nyergelt az…..

Fegyverben réved fönn a téli ég, kemény a menny és vándor a vidék, halkul a hó, megáll az elmenő, lehellete a lobbant keszkenő. De fönn a hegyen ágyat bont a köd,mint egykor melléd: mellé leülök.Bajos szél jaját csendben hallgatom,csak hulló hajam repes vállamon.Hol…..

We live in or pass by them every day: we should treasure Budapest's invaluable architectural heritage, just as a couple of enthusiastic architects from OSA (Open Society Archives) and from the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre do it with their "Budapest100" project. On April 9 and…..

"Ahhoz, hogy egy kivételes ember adottságai teljes valójukban megmutatkozhassanak, az a szerencse kell, hogy munkálkodását évek hosszú során át figyelemmel kísérhessük. Ha tevékenysége minden önzéstől mentes, ha mozgatórugója a példa nélküli nagylelkűség, ha…..

March 26th, Saturday at 8:30 PM please switch off your lights! It's just for one hour. Március 26-án, szombaton este fél kilenckor kérlek, kapcsold le a villanyt! Csak egyetlen órára. There are a plenty of things to do instead of lightaholic activities. You can make babies…..

World Water Day today. All related events are listed on the WWD site. I'm quite disappointed there are only two minor events registered from Hungary. ¡Ostras! With all the water resources we are blessed with. Not to mention those silly tourism promotion campaigns emphasizing Hungary's spa…..

"The logic of advertising so dominates the media that it views anything new - material, cultural or otherwise - as a product launch. And in any product launch, the key word is concept. So as discussion of décroissance (literally "degrowth", that is economic contraction or…..

Back to St. Patrick's Day just for a nice bit: photographer Anthony J. Stewart made this stop-motion video on how Chicago River was dyed in green in 2009: Stewart has some remarkable photos of Chicago buildings too. It's intriguing how modern buildings give you an alienating…..

"Hungarians attach great importance to this picture of the Madonna because it comes from another country whose people have also fought and suffered for their faith. There are many other pilgrim places and shrines of the Madonna in Hungary, for ever since the tenth century the country has…..

"1 I, Patrick, a sinner, a most simple countryman, the least of all the faithful and most contemptible to many, had for father the deacon Calpurnius, son of the late Potitus, a priest, of the settlement [vicus] of Bannavem Taburniae; he had a small villa nearby where I was taken captive. I was…..

The first land we sighted was called the Dodman, Next Rame Head off Plymouth, Start, Portland and Wight; We sailed by Beachy, by Fairlight and Dover, And then we bore up for the South Foreland light. ..
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