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mast 2010.09.29 16:32:14
@exscn: Egy guglis keresés Megvilágosodás Intenzívre hozott el ide. Az általad belinkelt nadzsal oldal már nem él, de van helyette egy másik: A módszer valóban hozza azt, amit ígér, tapasztaltam.

Charles Bernerről az Ex Scientologist Message Boardon mást is lehet olvasni:

„R.I.P - Charles Berner

From what Alan has related, Charles Berner was one of the originators of Study Tech. An obit appeared on ARS today, and there is more info on this page.

This was posted to ARS by "John H. Wolfe"

H. Charles Berner, prominant field auditor in the 1950s and 60s died 24 June 2007. He was once president of the Church of Scientology of California, which was originally an association of field auditors when it was founded in 1954.

He attended several Advanced Clinical Courses, and was declared Clear at the end of the 19th ACC. Somewhere about that time, he regained his memory of past lives on the whole track, and was able to recall them on a straight-wire basis. He sometimes talked fondly of the lessons he learned in his lives as a Tibetan master.

In the 1960's, he specialized in running goals processing. He attended a briefing at St. Hill in 1961, completed the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course in 1962, and again in 1964. He was widely known and respected for his devotion to standard tech.

In the 1960s, I was audited by him on SOP goals, R3GA, R3-21, R2-12, R3M, R3N, and R6, with excellent results. He was my friend. He was devoted to individual freedom and personal responsibility. He was declared to be a Suppressive Person by LRH in April 1965 for teaching his preclears how to solo R6EW. I never could understand how a person who had helped so many people could be described as suppressive, whatever his disagreements about policy.

Berner went on to found the Institute of Ability, using techniques similar to scientology. Then in 1973, he went to India and was initiated into the highest yogic teachings by Swami Kripalvananda. He returned to the United States to practice, teach and write yogic philosophy and meditation. Later, he moved to Australia.

He died at home in Merimbula, New South Wales, Australia as a revered teacher. For more information on his life and his writings, see”


„Ronald Boutelle (Ava Berner brother) wrote in his book 'Krishna and the Art of Bicycle Maintenance':


"Although Charles' grasp of Scientology was unmatched, serious doubts about its integrity began to enter his mind. In the mid-sixties, when Scientology began boasting about their "OTs" (Operating Thetans), Charles said that their claim was bogus. It was simply a "false carrot" Scientology was dangling out to the gullible public to entice more people to sign up for their expensive classes.

An OT is supposedly an individual god who can create or destroy at will—mass, energy, space, and time. The breaking point came when Charles challenged one of their latest OTs to levitate a small paper clip. Of course the man refused. With their deception thus checked, at least for the moment, Charles officially cut his ties with Scientology and started his own religion, called "Abilitism." He also began giving away the latest secrets that Scientology was charging high dollars for. Following these events, for over a year, both Charles and my sister, along with myself and anyone else openly aligned with him, were put on a Scientology "hit list."

Ava told me that someone actually tried to ambush Charles in Los Angeles but when they failed at that, several people broke in and vandalized our new headquarters, in Costa Mesa. After a long talk with the FBI, things quieted down considerably between Charles and his former guru.

Eventually Ava and her husband developed a forty acre spiritual retreat near Lucerne Valley. It was here that they perfected their famous Enlightenment Intensives. Over the next few years, hundreds of participants, including such celebrities as Peter Max, would sit for hours on the blue rug asking one another, "What is the purpose of life?" and, "Tell me who you are!" Nearly thirty years later, Enlightenment Intensives are still being held in various parts of the world by former students of the Institute of Ability."

Egy jó ismerőjétől hallottam, hogy amikor otthagyta a Sci egyházat, vagy hatvan tanítványa távozott vele.
mast 2010.09.29 16:14:16
@A szerelő: A kimenetele nem bizonytalanabb, mint egy több éves, rendszeres és kitartó zazen vagy vipassana gyakorlásnak. Nem gondolod, hogy túl kevés információ alapján hoztad meg az ítéletedet? Figyelj oda, hogy a „lehúzás mindenhol spirituális dolgokkal kapcsolatban” véleményed, még ha lényegében van is benne igazság, ne takarjon el előled mindent.