13 bejegyzést írt és 1 hozzászólása volt az általa látogatott blogokban.

It happened faster than expected. I clearly looked miserable when I got home. Tide looked at me and asked me, pressed me: "What's wrong?" She knew all along; she never said it out loud herself though. Perhaps she was hoping that she wouldn't be right.
"I don't feel that this is working between…..

I don't think things could be more confusing for me. I don't know what I want: I think I do, both Sait and Sophie say or even shout the same to me: "Angel!" - lust and love have met in her. I have no idea though whether these would be reciprocated, I have no idea if they should be. If I were to…..

It's ending with Tide. She went to bed without saying a word to me. I feel so bad, so guilty. As much as I like to say that there is no such thing as right or wrong, I cannot deny the existence of pain. I cannot deny my ability to cause it. I cannot deny how I hate causing pain, how it literally…..

- I don't know what to do
- You don't know what you want...
- That I do, I want to be with Angel
- But you're full of uncertainties about her, you have certainty and true love from Tide
- ... and I still want to be with Angel...
- So you have to leave Tide then, leave her, everything she is,…..

Sait, I think I understand now - you know full-well that I am incapable of separating lust from love. Angel's hug and touch meant as much to me as the passionate moments in bed together. While Sophie encourages me to embrace my lust and let it take me wherever it may, she feels I am capable of doing…..

Before I manage to open the door myself, Tide opens it. She greets me with a large and loving smile, happy to see me home from my work trip. She asks how it was, what happened since we spoke last night. There was a party; there was drinking and dancing; I went to sleep after sunrise. This much I…..

"Did you really expect me to tell you what my answer to her was?" - of course Tide and I both knew that she wouldn't tell me, but how could I not ask after she brought. I knew if I were asked the same question, I would probably try to avoid answering it. I wouldn't want to give a foolish…..

Sophie, you and I think the same. You and I think the same; but you don't feel... and you give me such compelling arguments to do the same. You're the master of logic, the winner of any debate - not listening to you, not following you, it's like not following who I am. When I talk to you, Sophie,…..

- I'll be missing you...- But it's 3 am and you'll be seeing me tomorrow evening?- I know, Tide, I'll be missing you until then.She smiles and says that she doesn't want to say something that makes her sound stupid - I draw it out of her: "I'll be missing you, too."It now looks as though…..

I'm staring out the window, feeling nervous again, but this time from inside the building looking out. I've made it in this home of desire and I want to stay in. I feel, however, the weight of Sait's stare from behind me on my shoulders. "You are not simply a man of desire, don't fool…..

Angel shut the door and told me that her feelings for me are not about her trying to make up for any misery she feels in her current relationship, that I should not feel that she is using me to any such end. I was confused and aroused.A week earlier, we were out drinking, just the two of us. She…..

Five hours straight! I cannot believe this for the life of me - I just spent five hours straight making sensual and passionate love to Tide. Sting playing in the background, I couldn't get my hands off her, and seeing the passionate stare from her large blue eyes I couldn't hold back. She gave…..

I stand nervously staring at this building - should I knock? I've come this far, my desires drawing me here like some great magnetic force, my ethics and morals pulling me back. Sophie, the great tormentor who follows me in my head, intervenes confirming first that I'm right to follow my ethics and…..

Jól megkavarta a dolgokat az európai politikában a baloldaliakat gyilkoló norvég merénylő és az ő röpke 1500 oldalas irománya. Sokakat kényelmetlen helyzetbe hozott a mondataival, és nem csak a szélsőjobbon. Persze elsősorban ott. Legelsőképpen is azok a multikulti- és…..
2011.07.26 07:23:50
Hajrá Fedor - jó a bejegyzés! Amúgy csak zárójelben reagálva egy-két kommentre: a "ballibbolsevik" és izrael-párti párhuzam csak közép-kelet európában működik, nyugaton (így Norvégiában) a "ballibbolseviknek" tituláltak palesztinok oldalán állnak - szóval saját országa szélsőjobboldali 'filozófiájával' koherens volt az őrült.
Belépve többet láthatsz. Itt beléphetsz