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Present Perfect Continuous - csak az első és legfontosabb jelentését fogjuk gyakorolni, gyerekek. Ezeket a mondatokat fordítsátok angolra, ha tudjátok!1. Három napja várok rád itt az esőben, te disznó! (Itt a disznóra elfogadok egyéb szitkokat, szinonimákat.)2. Három napja vársz itt…..
Belépve többet láthatsz. Itt beléphetsz
2.For three days waiting for me here, do you?
3. Have you been waiting for me three days? 4.What have you been doing in the mess for four hours?5. I've been learning English for twoo years. 6.F. has been sunbathing since four hours in the afternoon, the lazy bastard!7.The teacher has been talking since half an hour the same, I start a little bored. 8.You've been kicking since I came to the door. Please stop it!9.I've been thinking of mum for a week the silent.10.I've been practicing the Kreutzer Sonata for twoo hours and I'll give that.