104 bejegyzést írt és 39 hozzászólása volt az általa látogatott blogokban.

(Ez a poszt június 6án íródott.)
Az északi és keleti kiruccanások után úgy tűnik a belső iránytűm délnek küldött.Most időrendben kicsit ugrálni fogok, mert éppen Tiranában leledzem, de nemrég Bariban voltam, féléve meg Szkopjéban. Ben? Ban. Ájdontnó. A lényeg hogy ahogy eszembejutott a…..

Mivel a olyan technikai akadályokat gördített elém ami miatt egy rémálom volt képeket és videókat beollózni, ezért letettem róla, hogy az ázsiában töltött 2.5 hetem alatt további szignifikáns mennyiségű órát azzal töltsek el a hotelszobáimban, hogy anyázva copy-pastelem össze a cikkemet újra…..

Na szépjóestét hölgyekurak.Illetve délutánt, mert szerintem otthoni idő szerint még délután fogom kitenni eztet, de itten már este 10 van.
Na szóval, ezúttal keletnek vettem az irányt, Thaiföld előtt Qatarban volt egy átszállás, ahol
egy félelmetesen olvadó Micimackó-szoborral való találkozás…..

Miután többen is kérték, hogy osszam az észt (!), észtországi beszámolóm következik. (Először azt gépeltem le, hogy összam...)
Nos, mivel Helsinkiben elmaradt a kultúrálódásom, ezért gyorsan pótoltunk, és Helen barátnőmmel pár év kihagyás után a tallinni design múzeumban találkoztunk, ahol…..

Annyira régen írtam erre a blogra bármit, hogy teljesen bizonytalan vagyok benne, hogy milyen nyelven is kéne azt tenni. Úgyhogy most nekikezdek úgy, ahogy jön, aztán meglátjuk értelmezhető-e.
Szóval. történt az, hogy el akaródzott mennem valahova picit utazni, és bár Hollandia mindig valid…..

By now it's been a bit more than a year that I have moved back to my hometown, Budapest. It's actually 400 days today, to be exact, which doesn't really mean anything but I thought it's cool and round enough of a number to mention. Good timing for a blog post! :)
I've been meaning to write about…..
2018.08.18 18:00:27
erre sose írtam választ.. szóval de igen, jogos. de a legújabb blogposztomban hivatkozom is erre, tessék megnézni. :)

Korábban már kaptam egy kommentet, miszerint a blogom neve már nem aktuális - lévén, hogy már újból Budapesten élek. És bár ez önmagában valóban így van, és már én is elgondolkodtam, hogy új blogot kéne indítani, most mégis történt velem valami, ami éppen bolygóhollandiságomhoz kapcsolódik.
Bori goes to Holland
Mihez kössem a biciklim - avagy visszailleszkedésem zökkenései
2018.08.05 14:53:18

Idén márciusban végre újra elkezdtem merni biciklizni. Azért mondom, hogy végre, és hogy merni, mert Amszterdam után kicsit sokkoló a budapesti biciklizés - 100%-os bicikliutas lefedettség után iszonyú ijesztő volt újra autók közvetlen közelében avagy között menni, és igencsak nehezemre esik…..

There's a lot of stuff I realized about Hungary, specifically Budapest, since I lived abroad.
A huge chunk of this is basically just realizing the stuff I really like, stuff I was really missing while living in the Netherlands. I gave an allegedly entertaining talk about the gist of the things I…..
2018.01.01 15:43:27
@clementino01: Teljesen igaz! Oszinten szolva en a ketto kozotti atmenetet szeretem: elore megtervezett programok ahol szamithatunk a tobbiekre, de ne minden napra - legyen par ures nap is ahol az ember a pillanatnyi kedve szerint alakithatja a dolgokat. De ez utobbi az en preferenciam szerint is nem az elso rovasara kene hogy menjen. A hollandoknal viszont tenyleg a lo masik oldala, paran bevallottak nekem hogy igy nonek fel, ez a megszokas, de hogy faraszto nagyon es nyomasztja oket a kotottseg. Szoval az arany kozeput kene mindenkinek :)

It's been 11 months now that I moved home to Budapest from the Netherlands. Nearing the 1-year mark I am planning to do a post on the whole process and learnings of the whole moving back thing, but before doing that I did want to write about another, somewhat related topic.
In these past months, I…..

So I have to admit, I was surprised and humbled by the commotion that my previous post about traveling generated. Okay, commotion might sound a bit exaggarated, but pageviews really peaked - I had 153 reads so far and more than 50 facebook likes (thank you!). It's interesting and also thrilling that…..

I can hardly believe it, but it's getting close to the 5th anniversary of my move to the Netherlands. It's less than a month away. Incidentally, that also means that I could in fact, according to the current law, apply to be a Dutch citizen as soon as that happens, if I wanted to.
But you know…..
2016.07.05 14:16:53
@clementino01: Yes it is. You need to pass a language exam level A2, and 'This does not mean you have to speak or write Dutch flawlessly. You must, for example, be able to have a short conversation with your neighbour about the weather, be able to pay for your groceries in the supermarket, buy a train ticket, or write a short letter to the insurance company.' (
I do believe I possess this level of Dutch at this point :)
I do believe I possess this level of Dutch at this point :)

It's been a while since I posted anything musical. To fix that, here is a recent video of me singing 'Ironic' from Alanis Morissette, with Sebastian playing the guitar. Hope you enjoy it!

A kisgyerekek tudjak a valaszt a mi-leszel-ha-nagy-leszel kerdesre. Te tudsz valaszolni ha megkerdezik, mi is lett beloled ha mar igy nagy vagy?
Mi leszel ha nagy leszel? Szokták kérdezni a kis gyerekektol. Es a gyerekek ilyen sokszor valoban valaszolnak is, peldaul tuzolto, balerina,…..

This year I didn't even try getting on a boat for this famous Dutch holiday: the weather forecast showed no reason to look forward to be floating around the canals this time of the year. Allegedly it was going to be stormy, rainy, windy, and around 8 degrees. I can't help it, I simply *have* to…..

To go outside or to not go outside?..
That's the dilemma you're faced with while sitting at home on the weekend staring out the window when you live in the Netherlands.
And no, the Dutch spring isn't very helpful in answering that question. In fact, it's been really crazy recently - well, I guess…..

This evening, I was watching tv. You know, unwinding at the end of the day.
I got up to do something and while doing so, I suddenly burst into singing ‘Mad world’ from Gary Jules.
That’s not a big surprise. I’ve always loved this song and sing it from time to time.
As I was walking around…..

Back in 2012, it took me about 6 months and 2 painful moves to find the right place for me to stay in Amsterdam. I've been living in that apartment for almost 2.5 years by now, happily ever after, up until the landlord announced that he sold the place and we need to get out.
And so I was…..

Another Old/New Year's Eve in Holland, another war zone experience! This time in Amsterdam. Survived, from the safety of my roofterrace.
I am still amazed by the quantity of fireworks this country 'consumes', despite the fact that I have already written a blogpost about this 3 years ago. It's…..

It has finally happened, I've been to New York! Only took me 26 years to get there. And it only took me 2 months to get around to write a blogpost about it. Yaaaay!
Despite the fact that I have been mistaken to be American dozens of times in the past years due to my accent, my visit to New…..
Bori goes to Holland
Me singing at a festival! Gabori band goes to Multiculturele Markt Enschede
2014.08.05 23:43:41

Ladies and gentlemen, we finally did it! Me and my band have officially performed at the Multiculturele Markt in Enschede last weekend!
If questions like 'What?' 'Who?' 'Where?' and 'Why?' race through your mind right now, let me give you a bit of context here.
My dear guitarist friend, Gabor and…..

Every now and then, people I meet here, or people back home will ask me: 'So, do you like living in Amsterdam?'I would take a deep breath and say: 'I do, but...' - and then in my head the struggle starts, trying to explain what I find strange about this place.
Because I have to say, there is…..
Bori goes to Holland
How I didn't get on a boat for King's day - but there is a happy end :)
2014.04.28 23:54:15

I set out with only one goal for this year's King's Day (previously Queen's Day): I want to spend it on a boat. That was my only mission for April 26, 2014.
In the past years I've been strolling through the city (Amsterdam and Utrecht) on this day, which is a great but fairly exhausting experience…..

...or the hardships of having a Hungarian name as an expat
Having lived now for more than 2 years in the Netherlands, I feel like I have dealt well with to the struggles of living abroad. I can proudly say that I have pretty much acclimated to the necessary degree to living in the Netherlands: I…..
2013.11.11 13:29:14
@kardigan: koszonom, javitva :)

And voila, one of the biggest 'ups' of my expat-life has happened just last week.
1. take some musical colleagues and put them together 2. let them ripe for a few days3. put them on stage on the last Friday of the month4. add about 30-50 more colleagues around them (can be more,…..
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