44 bejegyzést írt és 10 hozzászólása volt az általa látogatott blogokban.

Ha kerdesetek van, nyugodtan irjatok a email cimre! Az irodankban minden jogteruletrol van egy szakember, legyen az munkajog, ingatlanjog, kereskedelmi jog, tarsasagi jog, es ..

Why MELAT?MELAT (Middle East Legal & Administrative Training Centre) has established a wide variety of courses aimed at a range of target audiences. MELAT's focus markets are Middle East, Australia, England & Germany.Courses are instructed by an experienced lawyer with practical legal….. The debt collectorsRobert MorrisLast Updated: November 20. 2009 11:31PM UAE / November 20. 2009 7:31PM GMTMuhammad Siddiqui, left, and Mazin Ajjour, who work in the debt-recovery office of Al…..
UAE-Hungarian trade activities get boost with establishment of Emirates Business Council
2010.05.05 11:56:04

Ali Sultan Ali Al Haddad.02 May 2010Hungarian exports in 2009 valued at USD 95 billion while imports amount to USD 94.9 billion Emirates Business Council (EBC) - Hungary, established to provide investors from Hungary with information services about business and trade opportunities…..

Munkam soran rengeteg "apro" es "oriasi" problemaval talalkozom, amelyek abbol adodnak, hogy az itt elo emberek egyaltalan nincsenek tisztaban a jogaikkal, illetoleg magaval az emiratus jogaval. Termeszetesen ez nem is egyszeru.Peldaul mi a teendo, ha az ember a Dubaiban…..
2010.04.20 11:37:02
Az ingatlan meretet is le kell ellenorizni minden esetben, mert az esetek nagy szazalekaban nem felel meg a valosagnak!

Berleti szerzodes alairasa eseten figyeljunk az alabbiakra: Tobb esetben talalkoztam olyan esetekkel, amikor az elozo berleti szerzodes lejart es a Berbeado egy teljesen uj, rengeteg modositast tartalmazo berleti szerzodest (lease agreement) adott a berlok kezebe alairas vegett minden elozetes….. Nine & DineEnjoy nine holes of golf followed by a main course at Spikes restaurant, with stunning sunset views for only AED 189 per person. Inclusive of unlimited…..
Magyar jogi tanacsadas Dubaiban: Albahar & Associates
2010.04.12 09:27:00

Magyar jogi tanacsadas Dubaiban: Albahar & AssociatesAl Bahar & AssociatesAdvocates and Legal ConsultantsLaw Firm located on the 3d floor of Oud Metha offices Bldg. Offices 316 & 317, near City Bank between WAFI and DEWA Office:+ 971 4 3244455Fax:+971 4…..,drivlicense,1,&_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=view..

Egy gyors emlekezteto, hogy jovo Szombaton megint magyar-buli van!Reszletek alabb, menu ezuttal ugy gondoltam legyen kontinentalis - annal is inkabb, hogy fogytan vagyunk hazai fuszereknek.Visszajelzeseket varnek erre az emailre hogy tudjunk korulbeluli letszammal szamolni, hisz tudjatok minimum 50…..

"Nem akarok veszmadar lenni de sajnos ugy tunik a muholdvaltas miatt lemaradhatunk a Duna Tv szamunkra sokat jelento adasarol. tudjatok a Duna Tv-t eddig a Hotbird muholdrol ertuk el, ennek nagyon jo lefedettsege…..,le_Visitors,1,&_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=lifeEventVisitors..
2010.03.15 05:43:26
2010.03.13 19:14:58

Az Arab Emirátusok területén tilos az alkoholfogyasztás, kivéve néhány hotelt, éttermet és sportklubot (de. 11-4ig, este 7tol), illetve a repüloteren a shop. Dubaiban elég liberálisak az alkohollal szemben, de igy is jobb vigyázni.Ha valaki szeretne alkoholt vásárolni, 1….. ..,cr_comm_marrg_proc,1,&_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=lifeEventDetail..
2010.03.11 11:03:28
"Getting married abroad only adds to your anxiety as you have to make sure that the marriage is legal, both in the UAE and back home. We help you find your way through the wedding maze.
Getting married is right up there with moving house and, um, divorce, when it comes to raising stress levels. And getting married abroad only adds to your anxiety as you have to make sure that the marriage is legal, both in the UAE and back home. We help you find your way through the wedding maze. 1. Contact your embassy: Immediately after saying ‘I do', contact your embassy. “There are no hard and fast rules for any nationality and rules and regulations are of course subject to change and are dependent on a variety of factors,'' says Emma Pope, a wedding planning consultant from Couture Events in Dubai ( For example, an individual may have their options dictated by their nationality, but may hold another passport which could allow for a second option. Each couple should contact their embassy or church to check their particular requirements.'' 2. Choose a venue: Emma explains: “For a Christian marriage, the marriage ceremony can take place in either the church or in alternative venue (providing that venue has a wedding license), but this depends on the minister. For a number of nationalities, their embassy or consulate is able to perform a marriage ceremony in the embassy or consulate. But, for example, the British Embassy will only perform a marriage ceremony in extenuating circumstances, so the majority of Brits will find they can only marry inside a church. However, at least one member of the couple has to have been baptised in order to marry inside the church.''. For an Islamic marriage, the marriage ceremony has to be performed in the Islamic Courts within the marriage section. The bride and groom must be either citizens or holding a residence visa and the groom has to be Muslim (the bride doesn't have to be). 3. Prepare for classes: Depending on your faith and denomination, if you want a full ceremony in church, you may have to go for several counselling sessions and regular services beforehand, and also, in case of the Catholic church, will need to register certain documentation such as birth and christening certificates before you can go ahead. 4. Get your certificate: A Banns certificate or certificate of no impediment is required to marry in the church and for most embassies. The certificate takes up to three weeks to process and needs to be applied for in person at the respective embassy. The marriage must take place within three months of the certificate being issued, otherwise the certificate becomes invalid and the process has to be repeated in order to obtain a new one. 5. Check translations and leave plenty of time: Some nationalities, dependent on their church or embassy of the partner (if different), may require documents to be translated (into English or into Arabic for English documents prepared outside of the UAE for Islamic marriages), which can sometimes be a lengthy process. Wedding planner Emma explains: “For example, an embassy may be located outside of Dubai, i.e. in Abu Dhabi, and the majority of paperwork has to be submitted and collected in person. Embassy offices are not open on the weekend! 6. Get registered: In order to register the marriage, marriage certificates have to be translated into Arabic before being submitted to the Dubai Courts, Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for attestation/ authentication and finally taken to the individual embassy to record and legalise the marriage in the home country.'' 7. Seek help: To find your way through the legal jungle, get a wedding planning consultant to help you. “With so many nationalities and religions residing in Dubai, there are different rules and regulations for each; so the first thing we do is to ask the following questions: What is your nationality and that of your fiancée? Do you hold more than one passport? What religious denomination do you both belong to? Do you wish to have a civil or religious ceremony? The individual answers allow us to determine a couple's options,'' says Emma, whose company helps couples organise everything from documentation through to the wedding reception."
"Getting married abroad only adds to your anxiety as you have to make sure that the marriage is legal, both in the UAE and back home. We help you find your way through the wedding maze.
Getting married is right up there with moving house and, um, divorce, when it comes to raising stress levels. And getting married abroad only adds to your anxiety as you have to make sure that the marriage is legal, both in the UAE and back home. We help you find your way through the wedding maze. 1. Contact your embassy: Immediately after saying ‘I do', contact your embassy. “There are no hard and fast rules for any nationality and rules and regulations are of course subject to change and are dependent on a variety of factors,'' says Emma Pope, a wedding planning consultant from Couture Events in Dubai ( For example, an individual may have their options dictated by their nationality, but may hold another passport which could allow for a second option. Each couple should contact their embassy or church to check their particular requirements.'' 2. Choose a venue: Emma explains: “For a Christian marriage, the marriage ceremony can take place in either the church or in alternative venue (providing that venue has a wedding license), but this depends on the minister. For a number of nationalities, their embassy or consulate is able to perform a marriage ceremony in the embassy or consulate. But, for example, the British Embassy will only perform a marriage ceremony in extenuating circumstances, so the majority of Brits will find they can only marry inside a church. However, at least one member of the couple has to have been baptised in order to marry inside the church.''. For an Islamic marriage, the marriage ceremony has to be performed in the Islamic Courts within the marriage section. The bride and groom must be either citizens or holding a residence visa and the groom has to be Muslim (the bride doesn't have to be). 3. Prepare for classes: Depending on your faith and denomination, if you want a full ceremony in church, you may have to go for several counselling sessions and regular services beforehand, and also, in case of the Catholic church, will need to register certain documentation such as birth and christening certificates before you can go ahead. 4. Get your certificate: A Banns certificate or certificate of no impediment is required to marry in the church and for most embassies. The certificate takes up to three weeks to process and needs to be applied for in person at the respective embassy. The marriage must take place within three months of the certificate being issued, otherwise the certificate becomes invalid and the process has to be repeated in order to obtain a new one. 5. Check translations and leave plenty of time: Some nationalities, dependent on their church or embassy of the partner (if different), may require documents to be translated (into English or into Arabic for English documents prepared outside of the UAE for Islamic marriages), which can sometimes be a lengthy process. Wedding planner Emma explains: “For example, an embassy may be located outside of Dubai, i.e. in Abu Dhabi, and the majority of paperwork has to be submitted and collected in person. Embassy offices are not open on the weekend! 6. Get registered: In order to register the marriage, marriage certificates have to be translated into Arabic before being submitted to the Dubai Courts, Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for attestation/ authentication and finally taken to the individual embassy to record and legalise the marriage in the home country.'' 7. Seek help: To find your way through the legal jungle, get a wedding planning consultant to help you. “With so many nationalities and religions residing in Dubai, there are different rules and regulations for each; so the first thing we do is to ask the following questions: What is your nationality and that of your fiancée? Do you hold more than one passport? What religious denomination do you both belong to? Do you wish to have a civil or religious ceremony? The individual answers allow us to determine a couple's options,'' says Emma, whose company helps couples organise everything from documentation through to the wedding reception."

1) Helyi Bankok 2) Kulfoldi Bankok…..

1. Hungarian Embassy in Abu Dhabi Egyesült Arab Emirátusok
Abu Dhabi Nagykövetség Cím: Al Khazna Tower (a…..
2010.03.11 10:46:30

2010.03.11 10:42:42
Belépve többet láthatsz. Itt beléphetsz