Albert Zalán
9 bejegyzést írt és 7 hozzászólása volt az általa látogatott blogokban.

This year Pécs is one of the towns what are The European Capital of Culture. There will be a lots of events, festivals, activities, exhibitions and programms all summer. Pécs has got a web page where you can watch everything you want to know. Web page is :

Származás: Kína.Leírás: 5-10 cm hosszú. Nevét a gyönyörű sárgás-vörösmintás hasáról kapta, a háta viszont egyszerűen csak szürke. Viszonylag kezes, de tényleg csak viszonylag. Én mégis ajánlanám sokaknak, természete és szépsége miatt.Tartása: Egy 30 literes…..
Albert Zalán
2010.04.18 21:02:30
ez nagyon szép ! ! ! :D

The Buda Castle Quarter - Budai Vár NegyedUNESCO World Heritage List - UNESCO Világörökségi Listájaconsist of - része stb.Royal Palace - Királyi PalotaHungarian National Gallery - Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum ..

The Buda Castle Quarter is on UNESCO World Heritage List, because it has got a special location and fantastic bulidings. The Buda Castle Quarter is consisted of the old and beautiful living area. You should walk aroud and look the building from the XIV-XVIII century. The other consist of the…..

Origin: In all tropical places, mostly in the american tropical forests.Description: Its 6-9,5 cm long, its foot span can be 26 cm, and it is generally 85 gramm. It has hair on its body, and its usually brown, or black.Lifestyle: The tarantulas are lonely animals. They are lives 10-20 year. They are…..
Albert Zalán
2010.04.08 20:42:48

There was snowing in England and Scotland on 30th March. In Scotland somewhere temeprature was under -5 degree. The meterologists say will snow today too. It was maybe the hardest winter of Britain...You can read more information on that site:…..

Latin name: Varanus exanthematicusOrigin: Sahara, Africa.Description: It grows about 100-150 cm. It has stout body, wide head, and tapering tail. Don't do sudden movements, because the monitor will be respond it agressively. When its nervous, its bite, or aimk,and strikes with its tail, not even a…..
Albert Zalán
2010.03.29 17:32:07


About St. Moritz:This skiing area is located in Switzerland in Engadine shire. It's a very lovely and unique village by the lake which is always freeze in winter. This village has got an absolutly intimate walking street with a lots of luxury boutique and romatic restaurants. But here everything is…..

Low-cost airlines low-cost airline - fapados légitársaságlow-budget airline - fapados légitársaságinstead of - valami helyettrun out of business - csődbe megyfuel up - tankolnireasons - lehetőségekas well …..

There are so many reasons. I always fly with low-cost airlines, because it's cheaper than the normal airlines. We almost always choose these airlines instead of car.Every continent has got some low-budget airlines. I think the cheapest airlines that you can fly from Hungary is Wizzair. There are…..

"folytatom folytathatatlan utamat"Sorstalanság "az embernek mindig több lehetősége van mint gondja"Barátom Erik..
Albert Zalán
2010.02.03 19:51:05

About the company: This is an animation firm(Pixar Animation Studios) based in Emeryville, California, USA, it has got ten Oscars, four Golden-Globe awards and three Grammys.Pixar started in 1979 after 7 years it was bought by Apple and the Walt Disney Company bought Pixar in 2006. Pixar…..
Albert Zalán
2010.01.27 20:21:52

DescriptionChinchillas are crepuscular rodents, slighty larger than ground squirells, native to the Andes mountains in South America. They fur are usually grey, but there is black, and white chinchillas.The Chinchillas are named after the people of Andes.By the end of the 19th century, chinchillas…..
Albert Zalán
2010.01.25 17:31:14

Egyáltalán nem volt szomorú, vígjáték volt, happy end-del. De mégis megfogott benne az, hogy milyen rossz lehet magányosnak lenni. Úgy tényleg egyedül. Szomorúságodban nincs ki megvigasztaljon, örömödben nincs kivel osztoznod. Nincs akivel beszélj mielőtt…..
Albert Zalán
2010.01.23 12:34:32
Belépve többet láthatsz. Itt beléphetsz