6 bejegyzést írt és 3 hozzászólása volt az általa látogatott blogokban.

Origin:You can find it all of the World.Description: Its a little, 8-1.1 cm, black or grey rodent, with big ears, and long, naked tail. But now the terrarists, breed the albino type.Life in the terrarium: It mostly very short. Because in among terrarists, its a food. You give it to a reptile,…..

Latin name: Varanus exanthematicusOrigin: Sahara, Africa.Description: It grows about 100-150 cm. It has stout body, wide head, and tapering tail. Don't do sudden movements, because the monitor will be respond it agressively. When its nervous, its bite, or aimk,and strikes with its tail, not even a…..
2010.04.06 20:44:47
Thank you. I got it today.
2010.04.06 20:45:53

Origin: In all tropical places, mostly in the american tropical forests.Description: Its 6-9,5 cm long, its foot span can be 26 cm, and it is generally 85 gramm. It has hair on its body, and its usually brown, or black.Lifestyle: The tarantulas are lonely animals. They are lives 10-20 year. They are…..

Capybaras got their name from native people in South America. The word capybara means "master of the grass"-capybara or in other name waterpig. Capybaras have heavy, bodies and short heads with reddish-brown fur on the upper part of their body that turns yellowish-brown underneath.…..
2010.03.28 16:44:00

filament-fűtószál century-évszázadrodents-rágycsálókaccessories-kiegészítőkfur-bundacalm-nyugodtgrub-lárvagaudy-tarkacare-gondoskodás cricket-tücsök..

DescriptionChinchillas are crepuscular rodents, slighty larger than ground squirells, native to the Andes mountains in South America. They fur are usually grey, but there is black, and white chinchillas.The Chinchillas are named after the people of Andes.By the end of the 19th century, chinchillas…..

Description:It's a medium-sized up,skinny bodied lizard with a large head.As his name says it has beautiful, gaudy skin.Coloration is usually gray-brown to blue-green with faint, soft-edged, yellow crossbands.Females are duller in color and have orange markings on the sides during the breeding…..
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