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In March I remember telling you that I apologized for not having written in a long time but that the lack of writing had nothing to do with a lack of training. Unfortunately the same does not apply right now. During the past months I managed to go for a run no more than once, which was the one…..

As they say, a picture says more than a thousand words, so today I decided to bring my camera along on my run, so I can share this experience with you. Hope you like it!
Regarding the progress of my running, I have to admit that today was the first run in three weeks (!), last time being my 19km…..

I have a new record that I'm childishly proud of to share with you dear readers: I ran 19 km in 1 hour 50 min. Must be the pink shoes! ;) The sun was shining, it was warm and no wind. I hadn't sersiously considered going for a run but than ended up having nothing better to do, so changed into my…..

Spring has finally arrived to Amsterdam and the city has properly woken up from its dormancy. Chairs and tables are set up outside the cafes and restaurants along the canals, tulips and daffodils for sale can be found in every corner. The Amsterdamers find every excuse to wear this years fashionable…..
2010.04.10 13:11:35
and for the record- the shoes are great to run in, so yes I'm really starting to be believe that the colour has something to do with it :-)
The Öresundsbro run between Copenhagen and Sweden has taken place every year since the bridge opened in 2000. However due to the high costs of closing the bridge for the event it has been decided that 2010, on it's 10th anniversary, will be the last race held. For more info you can check out:
The Öresundsbro run between Copenhagen and Sweden has taken place every year since the bridge opened in 2000. However due to the high costs of closing the bridge for the event it has been decided that 2010, on it's 10th anniversary, will be the last race held. For more info you can check out:

It's been a while since the last update - apologies for this - but the lack of writing doesn't mean there has been a lack in exercising. :) In fact, 2.5 weeks ago I attempted three laps around the park, took it very easy. Timings were not the best but was happy to be able to run 13 km!
That was…..

Last Monday I was cycling to work like any other day, and having reached not even half way my chain popped off. A few cursing words later I had parked my bike by the side of the road and headed towards the tram stop. If I had been a tomboy (or just the slightest handy...) I would have easily been…..
2010.02.15 21:17:55

(A szerkesztő magyar nyelvű szöveges közleménye: Poraten tovább posztolgatja kalandjait és sötétben való futástól való tartózkodását. Van igény az esetleges fordításra is, vagy menjen tovább angolul?)
I spent last weekend in Brussels celebrating my 25th birthday together with…..

Yesterday I bought myself a pedometer figuring that it would be the most straight forward thing. Just press "start" and everything magically just works. I opened up the box, and saw the 4 buttons on it (Mode, adjust, reset and EL) and a 5 page manual. Despite this, I STILL haven't figured…..

Futók szerte a világban vannak, bemutatnánk Anna Porat-ot, az első nem magyar nyelvű, külföldi olvasónkat, aki Amszterdamból jelentkezik a történetével:
10th December 2009 -- When I woke up this morning I was under the assumption that this day would be a normal Thursday. That was a…..
2010.01.13 23:20:18
@monerd2: Feels comforting to know that 21 km is a "relatively short" distance, however at the moment it feels like miles away......
Talent?! not really just very competitive ;) Thanks for all the comforting words- it is making this whole project a bit more easier in forms of motivation!!
Talent?! not really just very competitive ;) Thanks for all the comforting words- it is making this whole project a bit more easier in forms of motivation!!
Belépve többet láthatsz. Itt beléphetsz
I just hope I can keep up the good spirit for the "real" race in October.....!!