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Plastic Girls bottled water 2010.01.25 10:53:00
Plastic Girls We are almost famous 2009.10.19 20:53:00
We have given a report to the newspaper of the Corvinus University of Budapest. It was publicated in the volume 51 in October 2009.This is a paper based newspaper so this is just illustration:..
We were there! The program was organized by FKF Zrt and the Fantom Team and the aim was to clean one frequented - and dirty - square by voluntary work of the citizens and to show that it all could be that way, it all depends on us. YouHu! was there to collect plastic waste separate.  just…..
A comprehensive policy to address the plastic waste problem in the European Union, as well as in Hungary has been long overdue. Now it is hightime for all stakeholders of the private and public sector to harness their resources and capability and get involved in the programmes designed to tackle the…..
You Hu! is a team of young university students operating in Hungary. We are dedicated to draw attention to the problem of the growing amount of plastic waste worldwide. The main goal of our project is to mediate between the private sector companies - responsible for the plastic waste - and the…..