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Today we got an email saying our team is in the best ten, so we are going to go to Bremen and if the jury decides so, we can present our project.We would really like thank all of you, who read the plasticgirls and for those too who have voted (: ..

Today is the last day you can vote for our project by supporting the team YouHu! on (click on the picture)..

Can you image that this jewelries were made of plastic bottles?Even you can not...those are...

One of my favourite task in this green thing is the art of recycled plastic bottles.Our main goal to try to find profitable solution to inspire comanies and/or costumers to collect plastic bottles.A new idea is to make some artworks and design your own flat or sell them.This light looks like a new…..

In our project we try to find new idea how we can persuade people to collect the bottles separatly. One of the answer is to inspire companies either on a positive or on a negativ way, like rewarding or punishing. We managed to find a new solution from Sweden which does not inspire the companies but…..

we found some very funny videos about how animals save the world
have fun with them, as we did (:

Dear Readers,I would like to invite you for a lecture today. The lecturer will be Peter Olajos who is specialized for European enviromental engineer and he was member of the IMCO, then the BUDG and the 'ad hoc' committee for climate changing. For more information about him in Hungarian:…..

Dear Readers,I would like to invite you for a lecture today. The lecturer will be Peter Olajos who is specialized for European enviromental engineer and he was member of the IMCO, then the BUDG and the 'ad hoc' committee for climate changing. For more information about him in Hungarian:His…..

I have found a Hungarian page called, it is about how to redesign waste and there is a game where you, as a girl :), can press plactic bottels and you can even be the top of the game (:Have fun with it! (:The way of playing: press the "down" button first to start…..

I have found a Hungarian page called, it is about how to redesign waste and there is a game where you, as a girl :), can press plactic bottels and you can even be the top of the game (:Have fun with it! (:The way of playing: press the "down" button first to start…..
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