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Kerceréce linkes 2008.01.18 16:37:00
sün ..
herczog 2008.02.15 12:47:31
herczog 2008.02.15 12:48:40
herczog 2008.02.15 12:49:32
alma körte..
herczog 2008.01.16 14:44:46
herczog 2008.01.16 15:01:58
herczog 2008.01.16 15:04:50
Búbosvöcsök próba 2007.12.13 18:01:43
A great quote from Michael Krigsman:"(...) software is a unique beast which cannot be tamed by wishful thinking alone"led me to this cartoon...
Búbosvöcsök ● Feed reading 2007.12.09 02:25:06
Warning, RSSoterica and sausage-making to follow. Matt Wood has a post up on 43Folders about how he groups his RSS feeds in Google Reader for easier reading. I use pretty much the same system as Matt, but with a few more folders. I have several folders for reading long-form…..
A great quote from Michael Krigsman:"(...) software is a unique beast which cannot be tamed by wishful thinking alone"led me to this cartoon...
Búbosvöcsök ● Jessica Hagy 2007.11.23 00:40:06
If you haven't seen them yet (and chances are you have), Jessica Hagy's index cards are little marvels of wit and wisdom. They've also netted her world-wide acclaim and a book deal with Penguin. Her book, Indexed, comes out next year. While she's not the first blogger with a book deal, I love her…..
Kerceréce iriszen a memcache 2007.11.08 21:07:00
helló világ..
herczog 2007.11.08 21:08:11
Az elmúlt két Meetupot én passzoltam (különböző okok miatt, pl. büfé hiánya, egyéb elfoglaltság), na de most. Lássuk is a szerdai menüt, a szervezők tolmácsolásában: VSShell - Rátky Gábor (EPAM)Az EPAM által készített IDE Visual Studio alapokon teszi lehetővé a World of…..
herczog 2007.11.06 15:17:58
Kerceréce alma'körte 2007.04.12 15:56:00
HTML<linaaaak rel="pingaaaaback" href="pingback server">XHTML<link rel="pingback" href="pingback server" /> If used, the link element MUST match the appropriate form exactly (including the whitespace before the slash, for instance). Pages…..
herczog 2007.10.25 16:13:52
herczog 2007.10.25 16:18:35
herczog 2007.10.25 17:53:13
I’ve been reading recently that a number of social networking sites are rushing to launch [or re-launch] a widgets platform given the success of the Facebook platform. There have been announcements about a MySpace platform which claim that it will essentially be a set of APIs and a new…..
Mary Jo Foley has a delightful post entitled Are all ‘open’ Web platforms created equal? where she wonders why there is more hype around the Facebook platform, Google’s muched hyped attempt to counter it on November 5th and other efforts that Anil Dash has accurately described as the new…..
I scored an invite to FriendFeed and after trying out the service, I have to say it is both disappointing and encouraging at the same time. It is disappointing because one would expect folks like Bret Taylor and Paul Buchheit who helped launch Google Maps, Gmail and AdSense while at Google to…..
Búbosvöcsök Photoshops 2007.10.20 11:05:07
I read this post by Steve Rubel several times and I still don’t quite get the logic as to why portals will win in the social networking war. Google and Yahoo (in particular) have a lot of the components mentioned in these posts (IM, email, address books, etc) and it hasn’t translated into…..
Every time I make a prediction, there's a better than 90% chance I am going to be wrong. But this one, you can take to the bank. The portals - AOL, Yahoo, Google, Windows Live, all of them - will be big winners in the social networking wars. "What," you say? "How can that be? I already spend all…..
One of the slams I saw yesterday after we started posting Google Reader’s feed numbers is that “nobody reads RSS.” Today, Erick Schonfeld at TechCrunch, gave us some more numbers so we can extrapolate out just how many people actually are using RSS. First, let’s start with the BBC. That’s…..
This morning this comment was left in my last post: +++++ We’ve now posted on the Reader blog with more details about this: The post mentions that the counts were slightly off until this morning, so keep that in mind when…..
Google exposed the number of Google Reader / iGoogle subscribers to a feed in the crawler's user-agent and in the Webmaster Console, but that's only useful for your own feed. What if you want to see how many subscribers Google Operating System has?Now you can see the number of subscribers by…..
So Google recently made it fairly easy to determine the number of Google Reader subscribers around a particular blog. Gabe Rivera at Techmeme did a little work on excel and came up with an unofficial list of the top blogs and the number of subscribers each blog has on Google Reader. He sent the list…..
UPDATE: This list is no longer accurate. Google updated the numbers last night and they all changed pretty dramatically. I’ll update the list later this week when I have time. Darren Rowse on ProBlogger showed me how to look up how many subscribers I have on Google Reader. So, I went looking for…..
On Friday, Google Operating System noticed that Google Reader will tell you Google Reader subscriber numbers for a blog when you search to add a new feed. It didn’t take long for different folks to start collecting subscriber numbers for different blogs. I haven’t asked the Reader team about…..
Just a small reminescence to the Java Posse. See e.g. episode 145 with a small discussion about the right way to indent. (Part 1 is here)..
On Friday, Google Operating System noticed that Google Reader will tell you Google Reader subscriber numbers for a blog when you search to add a new feed. It didn’t take long for different folks to start collecting subscriber numbers for different blogs. I haven’t asked the Reader team about…..