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Song as usual. :)Kezdődött minden egy álmatlan éjszakával. Lehet, hogy az izgatott, hogy jóformán még ki sem hevertem a Ha-Yo élményeit, meg nem aludtam ki magamat ( a betegség kb. 110%-kal megemelte az alvásigényemet... :P Aki ismeri egy bizonyos zenész ismerősömet, az tudja, hogy…..
Lill'Girl 2010.01.03 15:41:31
Tudom, hogy mindenki azt gondolja, itt van a blogom vége, de nem. :)Szóval, próbálom összeszedni az elmúlt hetek fontosabb történéseit:Vállalkozást csinálunk. Az ám! :)a többit pedig a mai nap folyamán, de legkésőbb vasárnapig megírom... csak be kéne szerezni némi anyagot.…..
 Hey, it’s me again. No, I did not give up – yet. As promised, here we go.  Friday Nothing really special happened, except of trying an authentic Belgian lunch. Since Lily had no cash and did not find her sister to lend some, we went to Colruyt (huge supermarket just next…..
Lill'Girl 2009.09.16 14:56:23
 SaturdayI went to Denderleeuw, but that was not a big deal. The Vallons usually hate the Flemish in here. But I could not figure out WHICH ONES, since the streets were so sterilized empty like in a horror-movie. Just the empty cars, the properly done gardens, clean windows, white houses but…..
friday, saturday, sunday, maybe monday... coming soon..
Lill'Girl 2009.09.15 14:59:04
Szasza en Belgique sick as a dog 2009.09.09 13:26:00
As Zsófi expected, I tend to miss my reports since school started. To Boaz (if you're not dead yet cause of laughinh about my English): my English teacher is even worse than me. Just to give you an example: "Who wants to starts?" That's all. Finally, now that I am sitting suffering from…..
Lill'Girl 2009.09.11 07:27:17
Soon or later I'll run out of songs. And I really should! 3 times, ca va, mais plus tards...As you might rcongnize, my french is getting better every day. The opening day was a shit, we spent 2 hours in the school after that we could leave our glass-cage... It's to be taken word by word.The…..
(song copyright by The Rasmus, never listen to their last album, it's worthless)In  one hour and 15 minutes my first day in the french speaking school starts... I am a bit afraid, it really feels like the first day in the school, though I don't remember it clearly... After all,…..
Hey, it's me again!Quelles nouveautés, huh? Not even a minute has passed since I saved and published the last entry. Whatccóever.És akkor most egy kicsit írkálok már ezen a nyelven is. Nem mintha olyan jól tudnék rajta, de legalább jobb, mint a tört angol, amivel eddig kénytelenek…..
1st B - Budapest.   It seemed to going to be an easy flight. Only 2 hours in the car and then get off.   2nd B - Bécs (Vienna)   We arrived quite early, about 2,5 hours before departure. Before the ESTIMATED departure from VIENNA. Well, checking the timetable and looking for…..
Lill'Girl 2009.08.23 02:04:25