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Watching TdF yesterday up to Ax-3-Domaines raised a lot of thoughts inside. Andy Schleck was really riding pathetically in the yellow jersey caring of nobody else but Contador. The climbs in this year's Tour are anything but vintage so far. They left the Alps without doing any of the big classics.…..

As the Tour de France is about to begin tomorrow, I took some time off to watch a number of epic videos. First in line should be no other than the king himself, Björn Daehlie winning the 50 in the Nagano Olympics in 1998. Just look at his face after finishing!
The race was traditionally run on…..

I spent the first week-end of June in Northern Italy, in Friuli, in Paluzza. We helped the locals organise a round of the Coppa Italia plus a district Sprint Champs. Initially, I was happy to go, escaping competition organising at home (which wouldn't have happened anyway due to the adverse weather…..

I spiced myself up quite a bit once again on course setting trends. This time, it was the Hungarian WOC-selection races near Pécs, that frustrated me. Just a quick look at them, as there is not much positive to speak about. SprintThe sprint was held in Komló, like last year's National Sprint…..

Many of you know, that I don't really like sprint competitions. They are often boring, doesn't give you anything orienteering-wise. Also, I can be very happy, if I see or - horribile dictu - run a good sprint course. Yesterday, I was very sad, but went to bed extremely happy. So, what…..

The Hungarian Night-O Championships were held last night near Ruzsa. Although, the setting was beautiful, I came home very disappointed. In fact, I did an OK race, quite good to my standards, but I was feeling empty. The most exciting minutes of my race were spent analysing the battery status of my…..

After my ankle-injury in early-March, it seems as if my training is back in motion again. My training got a fresh restart exactly 3 weeks after the ankle got sprained, and things were not looking good at that time. My shinbone hurt immensely, most probably because it got a long rest. It's not yet…..

We saw a perfect demonstration of team tactics paying off yesterday night, when Sweden demolished the rock-hard field in the 30 k double pursuit in Vancouver. Watching XC Skiing for 20 years, I can say, that this was one of the biggest competitions I have ever seen - and this time, with a rare…..

Lukáš Bauer gave the field of the Cross-country skiing World Cup a sheer demonstration of strength and power today up the Alpe di Cermis. Victory was well-deserved for the man, who is doing orienteering as a hobby - in my category M21B. Restecp!

A much awaited run on a unique terrain, that didn't disappoint. My expectations were really high, but they got fully fulfilled. The goal was to enjoy every second and showcase my problems in orienteering. I made a lot of mistakes, all by my own fault :)Weather was awful, raining in places and mist.…..

I got to use my new INOV8 X-Talon 212 shoes on Sunday. It was definitely a better start, than for other shoes. Will not use them for training, as they are sooo light! My feet cannot get used to good things, otherwise they won't feel the difference for the better. I may only use them for…..

Great stuff. More about it on my AP-log: Maybe I will post my map later...

I'm a proud owner of a new INOV8 f-lite 230. It's not my first shoe, but maybe the first, with which I came to terms sooo fast. It's simply great - looks great, feels great. Maybe I'll get hold of another pair soon... ..

Why do you like orienteering? I often ask myself this question these days. Just a week to go until the start of WOC (and 16 days to the end), I'm just getting way too much of it. In fact, 2 weeks ago, I had enough and had to go out for a night run, which calmed me down a bit. At least I'm not…..

Gratulálhatunk magunknak. 400.000 ember nem érti, hogy 2009-et írunk. Szánalom.[edit 06-20] túlléptem rajta..

Wednesday, 03 June I'm at Brázda, in the middle of the big rough open area. Weather is changing rapidly, we had a thunderstorm an hour ago, then the sun was shining, and it's getting worse again. I'm collecting controls after the Czech long 'nomináčky'. I have to pick 13 of the 30 controls.…..

Order still tbdCornershop: Brimful of Asha Eat World: Middle Bachman: She's So High…..

Today is the stage between Passo Rolle and Seiser Alm. It's kind of funny, that the start point is the venue of JWOC 2009 and the finish is of JWOC 1993. It's gonna be an awesome stage!..
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