21 bejegyzést írt és 30 hozzászólása volt az általa látogatott blogokban.

Szerda délután 4 órakor indult a vonatunk a Pécsi főpályaudvarról. 7 diáktársammal és 2 kísérőtanárral elindultunk Bécsbe! Az út nagy része abból állt, hogy ki hogy fogja megértetni magát németül. Majd mikor a határ után bejött a kabinunkba egy osztrák hölgy, és…..
2011.11.09 20:17:22
Nekem is tetszik a blog. ::))

An Australian soccer player once said (or wrote?) that a journey is best measured in friendships not in miles. Frankly, I have no idea how Tim Cahill plays soccer, I might watch an Everton match once; but in this journey thing, he was right.…..

Why would anybody feel the urge to carve stone laces between two windows on the 52nd floor? Why would anybody have the restless idea of building an arch on the 78th? To be frank, I never thought there would ever exist anybody like that. Before visiting Chicago I was really convinced that…..

I have a distaste for places that are fake, that try to hide their true identity. But Boston - after almost 20 years - won my heart again. This is a city that stayed what has always been, which is nothing more and nothing less than a simple place with fishing boats, with good food and friendly…..

Not long after arriving in Hungary, we ventured to Budapest for several days of orientation in August. During this time we were introduced to a series of highly regarded professors, lecturers, musicians and authors who provided us with a thorough introduction to the culture, history and…..
2010.03.03 02:30:20

Well, as far as I remember, about ten years ago, when I first applied for the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program, I definitely wrote down on my application form that I have no preference as to where I should be placed. By no preference I actually meant ANY state, including Alaska. I really thought I…..

I think we are beyond the point. It is hard to tell before you get there but easy to see when you look back. We are beyond the point of the vacation. Or the travel.As we see, in Hungary, for Mr Evening Tide the colors of chicken soup delivered the message. For me, the first frostfree breeze…..

I, similar to my exchange partner, have often been asked about the differences between Hungary and the United States and am quite reticent to provide an answer not only due to the fact that I have been in this country for a relatively short period of time but also because of the inherent…..
2010.01.11 02:17:59

Blabla ..
2009.12.16 22:02:52

I have been asked several times by now (by friends, family and students) to point out the biggest difference between home and host country. To give the essence of the United States, preferably in one short sentence.I have been thinking hard, and realized (took me a couple of months) that there is no…..

Most holidays have become international by now. The world is like a global village where we have similar fiestas, similar Christmases, similar days for mourning. Holidays have started to become globalized around the world and the United States leads the way.Many people argue in Hungary that we don't…..
2009.12.03 00:44:10

Többen is írtatok nekünk levelet, hogy bár a snippetes megjelenítést bekapcsoltátok, de a blog kezdőlapján mégis megjelenik a teljes bejegyzés. A két dolog teljesen független egymástól, az ezzel kapcsolatos tévhiteket most tisztázzuk.
Ha a blogod kezdőlapján csak egy rövid…..

No, I don't gamble. But I win and lose.When you live in a foreign country you win a lot. You can experience and be part of a different culture. You obtain new social skills. You learn or master a language. You get to know fantastic words you'll never ever need in your life again, for example,…..

There aren't many cities that look good in November. I have never seen Berlin in November but I expect it to look great. Kriszta Slachta can tell us if I am right or wrong.The other city that looks great even in this time of the year is New York. Even from a distance, as we did not yet make it into…..

The concept of the so called Deep South is, for many reasons, not really appealing to me. Regardless of the fact that I love having a chance to experience very different cultures, I feel restless at places that have an air of…..

First it was due to the richness of natural resources, later due to the promising welfare of the economic leader that America became the land of pioneers.People have always been coming here to find something. To find something they were unable to in their homelands. Native Americans arriving from…..

There is something moving in it when someone gives her or his home to a stranger to live there for ten months. There is something brave in it when you move into a stranger's home to live there for ten months. A lot to learn on both sides.Entering a home that is not meant for you is a very strange…..

Living in a foreign country provides the opportunity to revisit feelings and sensations that have long since faded into the distant past. As young parents we have all experienced the helpless feeling that sweeps over us when we struggle to interpret the cacophony of cries emanating from the mouth…..
2009.09.19 13:54:03

As it is, this entry is still not about everyday life in New Jersey. But we are getting closer by the day. Just you wait!Last weekend we managed to get ourselves together and actually set off to visit Philadelphia. A city I have never been to before. We set off a bit late after doublechecking the…..

It seems like this blog is getting quite philosophical which is not bad. Nevertheless, here are some pictures to nibble on for students as well. My flickr album does not work the way I want it so until I find some solution have a look at my picasa albums to enjoy some (not all) of the magic moments…..

With apologies to those mathematicians who revel in the interplay of numbers, espousing their predictability and absoluteness, I can unequivocally proclaim my disdain for all things numerical. How much money do you make? How many minutes to cook the pasta? What’s your…..

I like the films of Peter Greenaway. They somehow give you the sensation of a painting and an opera put together and filmed without the actual music. The above mentioned film was probably the first I saw by him many years ago. Its morbid humor reminds me a little bit of my present situation. I…..

When you go away for a week you have a problem with packing. Whatever you put into your suitcase depends on the weather. But can you believe the weather forecast? Not really. Maybe you should pack that extra cardigan. Maybe you should pack your trainers. Will you really run in the mornings? Not…..

A kedden sikeresen átállt az új frontendre. A rendszer élesítése és stabilizálása után a hét második fele sorjareszeléssel fog telni. Ehhez kérjük a segítségeteket: ha bármilyen olyan jelenséggel találkoztok a, ami a régi rendszerben máshogy (jobban)…..
2009.07.17 20:02:25
@Luczifer: Nekem a szokásos. Nem lehet, hogy te látod a világot rózsaszínben ?? :::)))
2009.07.23 06:20:00
@sztahanov: Rendben. Köszönöm.

A mai nap folyamán (kedd) kiélesítjük az új frontendet. Ez elvileg nem jár hosszabb leállással, viszont kisebb katasztrófák történhetnek, kommentekben lehet jelezni, ha valami nagyon nem megy...
2009.07.14 22:03:08
@sztahanov: Most már konkrétan sehol :) Az admin jogommal visszatért a külhoni nyelv is. Szóval minden rendben. És köszönöm, gyors volt.
2009.07.15 00:21:16
@Mária: Menj a profilodból.
@sztahanov: Megint eltűnt az admin linkem, meg az angolságom is. Mindegy, majd magához tér. Ha egyszer sikerült, sikerülni fog. Kitartást!
@sztahanov: Megint eltűnt az admin linkem, meg az angolságom is. Mindegy, majd magához tér. Ha egyszer sikerült, sikerülni fog. Kitartást!
Belépve többet láthatsz. Itt beléphetsz