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Egy figyelmes olvasónk küldte nekünk azt a videót, amiben a KISS egy étteremmegnyitón zenél (maszk nélkül), előtte azonban Gene Simmons beszél magyarul a kamerába. Először arról mesél, hogy édesanyja Magyarországon született, aztán bejelenti, hogy jönnek hozzánk, majd szintén…..
Muse @ Papp László Sportaréna, 2012.11.21. Természetesen lehet dobálózni a közepes érdeklődést kiváltó blogkedvencek klubkoncertjeivel, az utóbbi nagyon sok idő egyértelműen legmenőbb dolga, hogy Budapestre jön a Muse saját koncertet adni. Egyszerűen azért, mert nagyon ritka,…..
A Duran Duran viszonylag trendivé vált az utóbbi években, de ez nem azt takarja, hogy ők mentek volna a zeitgeist után, hanem a zeneipar újrahasznosítási-láza jutott el afelé a szintipop-new wave-ig, amit ők csinálnak. Ebből persze Magyarországon semmi nem látszik, itt épp…..
A hét dala tulajdonképpen az év dala is, de az is lehet, hogy az évtizedé. Nem azért, mert annyira jó – bár nincs vele semmi baj –, hanem mert rocktörténeti jelentőségű. Március 9-én jelenik meg ugyanis az új Jimi Hendrix-lemez, a Valleys Of Neptune, amelynek alább…..
darabolospingvin 2010.01.30 21:18:15
Tudom sokan nincsenek otthon Hendrix studio sessionjeiben, de ezért ne higyetek már el mindent ami az Experience Hendrix marketing gépezete a pofánkba tol. Az uj lemezen óriási meglepetések valószinű nem várhatóak....

As far as the track list for VON. Here's my initial reaction.
Stone Free
Recorded: Record Plant, New York, April 7, 9, 14, May 17,1969
- Hopefully this isn't the same version released on the 2000 MCA box set and 2001's "Voodoo Child" compilation. Maybe it's an alternate mix. I read Jimi did a bunch of overdubs for this song.

Valleys Of Neptune
Recorded: Record Plant, New York, September 23, 1969, May 15, 1970
- Definitely the most exciting previously unavailable track included. I'm hoping this combine's Jimi's inspired vocal take from 09/23/69 with the instrumental version on 05/15/70 to finally complete this long lost Hendrix masterpiece. I personally love the 1969 version featuring just Jimi & Buddy even though the sound is muddy. A portion was released on the long out of print "Lifelines" box set.

Bleeding Heart
Recorded: Record Plant, New York, April 24, 1969
- I'm guessing this is similar in style to the April 1969 version of "Room Full Of Mirrors" found on the 2000 box set. Since it contains the same group of musicians. Should be good. "Bleeding Heart" is one of my favorite Jimi's blues covers.

Hear My Train A Comin'
Recorded: Record Plant, New York, April 7, 1969
- This is the version of "Train" that Alan Douglas butchered to death on his 1975 "album" Midnight Lightning. The original, unaltered version has never been bootlegged. I would have preferred the Band of Gypsys studio version recorded a few months later but this is fine.

Mr. Bad Luck
Recorded: Olympic Studios, London, May 5, 1967
- Another great inclusion. The best track from the deleted "Lifelines" box set. Many fans prefer this over the 1968 version of "Look Over Yonder" found on the South Saturn Delta CD. Hopefully the sound is much improved. But I doubt it since the original master had been sitting in Al Hendrix closet for almost 20 years before it's 1989 release.

Sunshine Of Your Love & Lover Man
Recorded: Olympic Studios, London, February 16, 1969
- Widely available as bootlegs for decades. From the legendary "Chas Chandler Olympic tapes." Will be great to hear official, remastered versions though. The Experience sounds fantastic throughout these February 1969 sessions.

Ships Passing Through The Night
Recorded: Record Plant, New York, April 14, 1969
- Haven't heard this. "Ships" is mainly an early version of what became "Night Bird Flying." Too bad they aren't including the version with horns though. It's a gem.

Fire & Red House
Recorded: Olympic Studios, London, February 17, 1969
- From the Experience studio rehearsals for their Royal Albert Hall gigs. You can hear "Spanish Castle Magic" and "Hear My Train A Comin'" from these sessions on the box set. The band was definitely on fire here so it should be worth a listen.

Lullaby For The Summer
Recorded: Record Plant, New York, April 7, 1969
- this is an early instrumental version of what later became "Ezy Ryder." Based on the riff Noel Redding introduced in his song "Dance." An enjoyable tune. However, the instrumental version with organ recorded during the Electric Ladyland sessions (aka "Ezy Ryder Jam") is far more exciting.

Crying Blue Rain
Recorded: Olympic Studios, London, February 16, 1969
Another often bootlegged track. One of several songs Noel and Mitch added overdubs to (under the supervision of Chas Chandler) on June 5, 1987 for their never completed "Experience Project." One of my favorite Hendrix rarities. They should have tacked on "Room Full Of Mirrors" and "Shame Shame Shame" from the same jam session as well.

Overall, the disc sounds interesting. Hopefully it's the start of more good things to come. They definitely could have filled up the entire 80 minutes on the disc with additional rare material... I think the following tracks are worthy of an official release.
Cat Talking To Me
Calling All Devil's Children (good luck on this one. I'm sure Janie hates the lyrics).
The New Rising Sun Overture
Gypsy Boy (New Rising Sun)
Heaven Has No Sorrow

Among others. But oh well. 60 minutes of relatively new Hendrix is better than yet another Douglas era reissue like "Paris 68."
Az igazi zenefanatikus, mikor elmegy koncertre, minimum a jegyét elteszi mementóként, hogy később nézegetve azt ráboruljon a sok emlék, és szerencsés (vagy peches) esetben nem is csak az adott buli jut eszébe hanem az egész akkori időszak. A Lángoló Gitárokon most egy ilyen…..
Bréking: Ugyebár szeretjük a tehetségkutatókat, és azért ejtsünk szót az olyanokról is, melyben nem a frontemberkedés és a Slashnek öltözés a mérvadó. Ma este lett volna a Boráros térhez közeli Cökxpôn Caféban a Cökxpôn Elektronikus Zenei Tehetségkutató Verseny élő…..