2 bejegyzést írt és 2 hozzászólása volt az általa látogatott blogokban.

DunaLog is an international cooperation initiative promoted by the City of Ulm and City of Budapest with a particular aim of advancing joint action amongst Danubian cities and regions. DunaLog attempts to be an open and discourse-oriented interaction of Danube-actors, equally from the public,…..

Coworking is a network of loosely joined workspaces from around the world. This site consists of people who run spaces, are in the midst of setting up a space, who are looking for space to work out of (you) and are interested in watching and/or supporting the growth of the movement. Coworking has…..

sziasztok.igen, errol beszeltunk tegnap. ide lehet firkantani, linkelni, amit aztan lehet cipozni es.rogton egy interkultcucc a pesti cabdriver balladaja sorozathoz:So I'm in a taxi yesterday morning around 9:30 and, after spending some time politely discussing the weather with my driver, he asks me…..
2009.02.12 13:00:07
Belépve többet láthatsz. Itt beléphetsz
Outstanding art project on the Danube- Budapest
Would you like to see the world coolest kinetic sculpt on the Danube in Budapest? If yes, join us and please forward this link to your friends: