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Woof 2010.04.03 10:03:23
Woof Cset 2009.10.17 23:19:00
23:08:19: ő: az ösztön nagy úr23:08:30: én: az23:08:59: ő: azért ne essél kétségbe23:09:35: én: nem fogok... mindig úgy képzeltem, hogy azzal hogy meleg vagyok csak annyi változott, hogy nehezebben fogok társat találni23:09:43: én: de mostanában arra kezdtem gondolni23:10:00: én:…..
Mexx 2009.10.18 13:04:40
Woof Comedian 2009.03.29 20:03:00
Mint minden dolgot, aminél elengedhetetlen a rendszeresség, a hét nyálcsorgatása képe  rovatomat is elhanyagoltam. Nem ígérem, hogy változtatni fogok ezen a rossz szokásomon, szóval a rovat továbbra is teljesen rendszertelenül fog jelentkezni. Remélem mindenki boldog :D Nem is…..
Koala, Australia trip 1984 by Ed Yourdon on flickr Australia has amazing flora and fauna. That is not the point. It's a fact and it's another one reason why I'd like to go there. I remember from my childhood that I was watching a lot of TV series called 'Skippy the bush kangaroo'. It was one of my…..
The Road To Oz AussiEnglish 1. 2009.03.21 13:45:00
Hi all! I'm Custos and am here as a guest author of this blog as promised and would like to introduce what I’m going to go into later on.   As you can see up there, around the headline, I’ll run the new AussiEnglish section of this blog and it’s not hard to come to realise…..
HDR - Shadows on the beach by Hypergurl on flickr It's the first day of spring here and it was snowing a little bit this day. I really don't like snow, winter and cold. But I like to see snowfall from my window. Anyway, it's spring and it's colder than usual. Is it normal to snowing in March? I…..
The Road To Oz Why Australia? 2009.03.11 06:11:00
Aussie Icons by Kaptain Kobold on flickr Where do I start? Well, the answer is more complex than I thought. I can't explain it exactly but I feel somehow I have to go there. In 2005 I decided to go abroad after I'll finish the university. But then I didn't know where I want to go and why I want to…..
Mexx 2009.03.11 19:40:06