230 bejegyzést írt és 67 hozzászólása volt az általa látogatott blogokban.
Még nem döntöttem el, hogy mit is akarok majd ezzel a bloggal csinálni. - Currently I don't know what I want to do with this blog. has NCAA seating charts and tickets for the following Universities:Furman Paladins George, Mason Patriots and George Washington college…..
Robi, ha olvasod, akkor hivj fel a Témobilos számomon! has college games that include some really good teams like the St. Marys Gaels, and Stanford Cardinals plus the Syracuse Orange who are always good.. st marys gaels tickets stanford cardinals tickets syracuse orange tickets..
Éljen, újra itt a tavasz! Megint itt a jó idő! has college tickets for the ACC Mens Basketball Tournament and Air Force Falcons college athletics as well as the Akron Zips home and away tickets
acc mens basketball tournament tickets air force falcons tickets akron zips…..
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is a widely used, general-purpose scripting language that was originally designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. For this purpose, PHP code is embedded into the HTML source document and interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module, which…..
Drupal is a free and open source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License. It is used as a back-end system for at least 1% of all websites worldwide ranging from personal blogs to corporate, political, and government sites including…..
Today's topic: Types of technical supportTime and MaterialThis type of technical support has been very common in the services industry. It is also known as "Break-Fix" IT Support. The concept behind this type of support is that the customer pays for the materials (Hard Drive, Memory,…..
The dissimilar leisure sabotages another antique underneath the trapped crossroad...
Csviktor's blog
English practice I.: Parents are too permissive with their children nowadays
2011.01.08 09:44:28
Few people would defend the Victorian attitude to children, but if you were a parent in those days, at least you knew where you stood: children were to be seen and not heard. Freud and company did away with all that and parents have been bewildered ever since. The child’s happiness is…..
Hello again! Now is 2011, here are the predicted and scheduled events:JanuaryJanuary 9 – Southern Sudan will hold a referendum on independence.FebruaryFebruary 19 – April 2 – 2011 Cricket World Cup will be held in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.MarchMarch 18 – NASA's…..
I wrote about PayDay loans third time. Here they are: I think that everyone know what are the loans, because sometimes everyone need some extra money. The life is beautiful but expensive and our payments going to lower this year. So PayDay loans help us under banks. This site has…..
The Falcon was released in late 1992 and subsequently cancelled in late 1993 as Atari Corp restructured itself to focus completely on the release and support of its newest product, the Atari Jaguar video game console.The Falcon's performance was not as great as it could have been, mostly due to…..
Atari Corp. was founded in July of 1984 when Warner Communications sold the home computing and game console divisions of Atari to competitor Commodore International's recently-resigned founder Jack Tramiel. Warner sold the divisions for $240 million in stocks under the new company.Under Tramiel's…..
Commodore's board of directors were as impacted as anyone else by the price spiral and decided they wanted out. An internal power struggle resulted; in January 1984, Tramiel resigned. He founded a new company, Tramel Technology (spelled differently so people would pronounce it correctly), and hired…..
This article is about the PayDay Loans. The PayDay loans are is 100 percent confidential and secured. The no fax payday loans electronically deposited in our bank account on the next banking day! All online. Our application approved while we watch or sleep. But there are other information about…..
The Open Directory Project (ODP), also known as Dmoz (from, its original domain name), is a multilingual open content directory of World Wide Web links. It is owned by Netscape but it is constructed and maintained by a community of volunteer editors.ODP uses a hierarchical…..
Sun Microsystems, Inc. was a company selling computers, computer components, computer software, and information technology services. Sun was founded on February 24, 1982. The company was headquartered in Santa Clara, California (part of Silicon Valley), on the former west campus of the Agnews…..
So, what it a virtual machine? A virtual machine (VM) is a software implementation of a programmable machine, where the software implementation is constrained within another computer at a higher or lower level of symbolic abstraction.Virtual is a term that originally came from optics, to understand…..
Chrome was assembled from 25 different code libraries from Google and third parties such as Mozilla's Netscape Portable Runtime, Network Security Services, NPAPI, as well as SQLite and a number of other open-source projects. The JavaScript virtual machine was considered a sufficiently important…..
Dear Friends, today I am wiring about the PayDay Loans. I think that everyone know what are the loans, because sometimes everyone need some extra money. The life is beautiful but expensive and our payments going to lower this year. So PayDay loans help us under banks. This site has powerful…..
Tékozló Homár
Az ember, aki a Magyar Postával akart karácsonyi ajándékot hozatni
2009.12.29 00:17:00
Na, mit érdemel az ilyen? Pokoli kínokat. Ehhez képest marha jól járt, hogy megúszta annyival, hogy nem tudott ajándékot adni szenteste. Nevetséges naivitásról árulkodó részletek alant. Ezúton szeretném vízalatti panasz-éléskamrádat egy postai történettel bővíteni. A tavaly…..
60 napja, március 31-én adták át a friss-ropogós-többszázmilliárdba került autópályát, az M6-ost. Bevallom, én azt hittem, az alagutakkal lesznek majd problémák, mert ugye ott van az a pár méter vizes lösz az alagutak felett ... de nem, nem ez történt.
Az M6-os…..
2010.05.31 08:16:59
@El Topo (Sgt. Elias): Topo ne beszélj hülyeségeket, atombombára nem kell felkészülni bazzeg, az esőre igen. Az hogy sokat esik, van ilyen, de nem moshatja alá az autópályát. Főleg egy frissen felépítettet nem. Biztos meg kellene vizsgálni a műszaki ellenőr, az átvevő, az engedélyező büntetőjogi felelősségét, mert bárki súlyos balesetet szenvedhetett volna. Jó lenne már végre egy nem következmények nélküli országban rohadni, főleg hogy az előbb említett közreműködök több százezres havi fizetésért végezték elvileg a munkájukat.
Ismeri a viccet a Magyar Rovartani Társaság alelnöke is, de mégsem tudja csak úgy megmondani, hogy milyen rovar száll bele a kerékpáros szájába, ha nem vigyáz a széles mosolygással. Dr. Merkl Ottót azért kerestük meg, hogy legalább nevesíteni tudjuk, mik azok a felhőben…..
2010.05.13 18:42:51
Belépve többet láthatsz. Itt beléphetsz
Eddig mindig bevált, használtam már azál és azál is.
A regisztráció ingyenes a oldalon. Ezután kapunk egy személyes USA-beli címet, amit használhatunk bármely USA-beli kereskedőnél történő vásárlás során, a Viaddress továbbküldi a csomagot a mi országunkba.
Ha az amerikai kereskedő nem fogadná el a nemzetközi, vagy a magyarországi bankkártyákat, akkor a Viaddress megvásárolja helyettünk az árut külön díj nélkül, majd elküldi nekünk. Nekünk csak az áru értékét és a szállítási költséget kell fizetnünk.
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