0 bejegyzést írt és 9 hozzászólása volt az általa látogatott blogokban.
Biden trip yields few tangible returns "America will do more, but American will ask more from its partners," he said in a speech that was warmly received but might have had some European officials privately longing for the Bush administration's tendency not to expect much, if anything, of…..
Anyablogunkon terjedelmes hozzászólások születtek a témával kapcsolatban, így ez a poszt teret ad a vita folytatására. Kérek mindenkit, hogy tapintatosan érveljen az álláspontja mellett. Tudom, durvának hathat egy ilyen kép, de erről van szó lényegében. Aki nem ismeri az…..
Az alábbi ábrán az összes második világháború óta hivatalban lévő elnök támogatottságának grafikonját láthatjuk: Néhány feltűnő tény:A 11 elnök mindegyike 50% feletti mutatóval lépett hivatalba, de csak 5 volt képes…..
2009.01.22 19:33:55
Gore to Testify Before Kerry's Foreign Relations Committee
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) just announced that Al Gore will be testifying before his panel next Wednesday on the need for carbon emissions regulation.
"America must act decisively in order for the nations of the world to reach agreement on a climate change treaty at the December 2009 meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen, Denmark...," Kerry said in a statement on the hearing.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) just announced that Al Gore will be testifying before his panel next Wednesday on the need for carbon emissions regulation.
"America must act decisively in order for the nations of the world to reach agreement on a climate change treaty at the December 2009 meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen, Denmark...," Kerry said in a statement on the hearing.
2009.01.22 22:09:55
mar egy ideje mukodik, de meg senki nem igazan linkelt a foreign policy magazin (akiraly 'butuska balos fiataljai') uj blogjaira:
# Daniel Drezner
# Marc Lynch
# Tom Ricks
# David Rothkopf
# Stephen Walt
# Passport
# The Cable
# Madam Secretary
# Shadow Govt.
# The Argument
# The Call
# Daniel Drezner
# Marc Lynch
# Tom Ricks
# David Rothkopf
# Stephen Walt
# Passport
# The Cable
# Madam Secretary
# Shadow Govt.
# The Argument
# The Call
2009.01.22 22:39:48
Mohammed Essam Derbala, one of the leaders of the Egyptian al-Gama'a al-Islamiya, today called on Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda to declare a unilateral four month ceasefire [hudna] with the United States to test Barack Obama's pledges to establish a new relationship with the Islamic world and to close Guantanamo.
Belépve többet láthatsz. Itt beléphetsz
The PC game Commander in Chief will hit UK retail shelves on March 12. The game is a comprehensive geo-political simulation game for PCs where players face the same complex issues confronting leaders like President Obama on a day to day basis. Just as in real life, players can test their ability to deal with these issues domestically or on the world stage, responding to actions taken by fellow global leaders.