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Foreign Policy Analysis
In memoriam 2008 -Tanulságok a Lehman Brothers csődje után egy évvel
2009.10.30 01:16:00

Mi lett volna ha..? Teszik fel talán ma a kérdést az amerikai óriásbank, a Lehman Brothers egykori ügyfelei, vagy a bank akkori igazgatója, -azóta a minden idők egyik legrosszabb amerikai ügyvezető igazgatójának válaszott- Richard Fuld. De ugyanezt a kérdést teszik fel neves…..

Now, it's time to choose the best projects on th impACT competition!You can give your vote hereVote for YouHu! if you think we had achieved a positive impact in the last few weeks! ..

In the last few weeks the Hungarian legislation concerning product fee had to face several criticism from environmental organizations. They claim that the present system and the bill which has been introduced by the government will have serious negative effect on the market. The product fee…..

On Wednesday, 21 October a workshop is organized by our team on the following topic:Business Prospects in Plastic Waste RecyclingThe workshop is modereated by Péter Ollár, the secretary general of Hungarian Plastic Industry Association. If you are interested in the hidden business opportunities of…..

Every day the world requires more energy. The Barrel Counter tallies how many barrels of oil equivalent are being consumed globally during a visit to your site...

Waste World- EcoDesign Festival (Szemét Világ- Öko Design Festival) is organized between 3 September 2009 and 3 March 2010 in VAM Design Center in Budapest, Hungary. The ultimate purpose of the festival is to draw attention to the growing problem of waste. During these month series of…..

Waste World- EcoDesign Festival (Szemét Világ- Öko Design Festival) is organized between 3 September 2009 and 3 March 2010 in VAM Design Center in Budapest, Hungary. The ultimate purpose of the festival is to draw attention to the growing problem of waste. During these month series of…..

All over the world plastic bottles are produced, consumed, and trashed each and every day. Recycling is one solution for the problem, but not the only one! You can also reuse plastic bottles. You don’t even need extra money or resources for that. All you have to use is your creativity to turn…..

All over the world plastic bottles are produced, consumed, and trashed each and every day. Recycling is one solution for the problem, but not the only one! You can also reuse plastic bottles. You don’t even need extra money or resources for that. All you have to use is your creativity to turn…..

Plastic waste is a menace and has become a serious problem, especially in urban areas, in terms of its misuse, its dumping in the dustbins. But how to tackle the problem? Not only environmentalists, but also scientists realized that recycling is the best alternative to get rid of waste and convert…..

Plastic waste is a menace and has become a serious problem, especially in urban areas, in terms of its misuse, its dumping in the dustbins. But how to tackle the problem? Not only environmentalists, but also scientists realized that recycling is the best alternative to get rid of waste and convert…..
Foreign Policy Analysis
United Kingdom: Institutions involved in the crisis management
2009.03.10 18:24:00

BACKGROUND. The rising defaults on subprime mortgages in the US triggered a global financial and economic crisis. Since national economies separately and the global economy as a whole are both paralysed without a functioning financial sector, governments are intervening to shore up the financial…..

A közelmúltban eltérő, sokszor egymásnak ellentmondó elképzelések születtek arról, hogy vajon az október közepén kirobbant pénzügyi válságot mily módon kezeljék mind a nacionális, mind a nemzetközi színtéren. Egy dologgal azonban tisztában van mindenki: a korrekciók ideje…..

Válságról írni a válságban, erre vállalkozom e blog keretében; mai szemmel nézni a ma eseményeit, a globális pénzügyi válságot. Félreértés ne essék, itt most nem szükségeltetnek pénzügyi, tőkepiaci vagy akár banküzemtani előismeret! A komplex hitelkonstrukciók és…..
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