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The life I’ve been leading for 18 years is just in boxes. Boxes that never gonna be at the same place again. I’m not afraid of moving to a new city, getting to know new people, make new friends and start a new life. I wanna do that. I’m afraid of leaving this town, leaving people…..
Belépve többet láthatsz. Itt beléphetsz
Maybe I'm wrong, but the college doesn't mean that you can never return home again, it just makes the things different. But it's alright, because you're changing all the time. Changing is good. You _have to_ be cut off your surroundings (nem tudom jól írom-e, kiszakadni a környezetből akar lenni), because that means new experiences, new adventures which you need. That'd make your life more colourful.
I'm sorry about your grandma, but she could already be proud of his grandchild. You care about her and love her and that's the best you can do and I'm pretty sure that she knows it. But you're too young to stuck at home, you should see life, so don't be sorry, being your grandma alone is not your mistake. I'm sure you and your family will work it out and you will enjoy your four years which my mom always mentions as the best years ever. Have a nice life (and contact me if you can). (And I can't believe that I've registered just to send it. It's a load of rubbish, sorry, but I felt I have to write to you.)