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your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web…..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web…..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web…..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web…..
Anna Usenyina győzött a Hanti-Manszijszkban rendezett női világbajnokságon, így ő veszi át Hou Jifan helyét a trónon. Az ukrán sakkozónő szívósságának köszönhetően fordulóról fordulóra nálánál magasabban jegyzett ellenfeleket vert meg, és így menetelt egészen a…..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard..
November 21-én Hévízen megkezdődött a magyar  2012-es sakkbajnokság, itt a férfiak mérik össze tudásukat, míg a női versenyzők december 3-tól Kisvárdán küzdenek meg egymás ellen. A versenyen a férfiak 2,5 millió forint, a nők pedig 1,5 millió forint összdíjazásban…..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web…..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web…..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard ..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web…..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web…..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard..
November 11. és december 2. között zajlik az oroszországi Hanti-Manszijszkban a női világbajnokság. 64 résztvevő ül asztalhoz a kieséses tornán; a győztes pedig a 2011-12-es FIDE Grand Prix győztes Hou Jifannal (aki nem mellesleg a regnáló világbajnok) mérkőzik meg a…..
your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard..