Rideg Zoltán
0 bejegyzést írt és 2 hozzászólása volt az általa látogatott blogokban.

By now it's been a bit more than a year that I have moved back to my hometown, Budapest. It's actually 400 days today, to be exact, which doesn't really mean anything but I thought it's cool and round enough of a number to mention. Good timing for a blog post! :)
I've been meaning to write about…..
Rideg Zoltán
2018.01.01 22:33:37
The name of this blog starts to get outdated, doesn't it? :P

It's been 11 months now that I moved home to Budapest from the Netherlands. Nearing the 1-year mark I am planning to do a post on the whole process and learnings of the whole moving back thing, but before doing that I did want to write about another, somewhat related topic.
In these past months, I…..
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