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This post is about how traditional IT Operations relate to the public cloud and why this approach is not aligned with the interest of the organization. Contradictions During the 2+ years of running the cloud transformation at a commercial bank I faced contradicting views on the following aspects…..
Twelve years ago, I held a presentation at the Budapest University of Economics. I used a drawing from the Little Prince (when the boa constrictor swallowed the elephant) with slight modifications to illustrate the income over time curve. Warning: your government wants to keep you as a net…..
The following post is an attempt to summarize the learnings from our cloud journey in the first 18 months. You bet, this is biased, but it might help others who come behind us. Those ahead of us you may put your all-knowing smile on. How to go faster - the first steps in the chaos Public cloud…..
In regulated industries you are required to produce an exit plan before you are supposed to make your entrée in the public cloud. On prem stalwarts cite this requirement on a regular basis demanding a plan as detailed as the inroad itself. For a while I figured this was just an excuse from the…..
The battle at Midway is symbolic for many reasons, it showed the importance of information security (the key to success of the US Navy was that they decrypted the Japanese communication and knew the plans of Yamamoto), and marked the end of the era when battleships reigned and the beginning of the…..
Sponsors have the tendency to want to know how any project in their realm is getting along and above all what they get for the money that they threw at us. They ask the same question over and over again: Are we there yet? To be honest, when you requested a few million bucks for a cloud…..
The World is full of natural wonders that are photographed in each and every minute. The bend of the Colorado river near Page is one of them. As an amateur photographer I took my own version. (don’t go in January, that is snow in the upper left corner…) Somebody also writes an article about the…..
A világ tele van természeti csodákkal, amelyekről percenként készül egy-egy fénykép. A Colorado folyó Page melletti kanyarulata ezek közé tartozik. Amatőr fotósként én is elkészítettem a magam változatát. (ne januárban menjetek…) A nyilvános felhővel kapcsolatban szintén percenként ír valaki egy új…..
A few months ago, I got in a conversation with a senior executive about standards. I elaborated on the merits of standardization, mentioning companies where one could find 3-4 different technologies for the same function, being incompatible with each other let alone the cost of operating and…..
I got a question from a colleague about how I would approach the replacement of an aging core banking system (CBS). Although I had an encounter with a project of this kind earlier, I wanted to give a more elaborate answer so I got in touch with a few silverback CIOs of the local IT community who had…..
Floorshrink diaries Stranger things 2021.03.12 22:13:06
A couple of days ago I had the chance to talk with the CIO of a pharmaceutical company. He cited that the business does not track the time usage of the internal IT workforce, ie. acting as it was free and limitless. In another discussion with a banking executive, he mentioned that during a regular…..
A couple of weeks ago I got in a discussion about training budgets. Not surprisingly the gentleman from finance thought it was too high, while I maintained a view that it was too low. His final argument was that we could not spend those dollars anyway since the business would not give us time for…..
I have been involved with training at large organizations for a number of years. I was surprised to hear the contradicting opinions on this subject, so i decided to from my own. The questions this post is trying to answer are as follows: How much time, effort and money should be invested to maintain…..
Summary: Offerings from public cloud providers exposed the inherent complexity and poor agility of comparable infrastructure services built by Enterprise IT. For this reason internal clients are less likely to tolerate provisioning times measured in months, let alone the hiccups when something goes…..
The following post is about the pitfalls of creating a private cloud. My aim is to list some the potential pitfalls down the road implementing a private cloud, and not to take away your ambition. This is the opposite: You are running against time. Once the regulatory environment (in CEE) lifts the…..
  Pár napja az egyik IVSZ-es kollégám feltett pár kérdést a COVID-19 és a felhő kapcsolatáról. Az alábbi válaszok a privát meglátásaim, érdekelne, hogy a LinkedIn közösség mit gondol erről a kérdésről. Hogyan fog a koronavírus a (felhő)piacra hatni rövid távon?   A változás három dimenziót…..
A privát felhő létrehozásának buktatói (írta: Laár András verse)  Az alábbi szösszenet egy Netflix sorozat és egy informatikai probléma alkohol hatására létrejött béna ötvözete, majd egyszer megírom rendesen is.  A technológiaválasztás Az első kérdés az, hogy tulajdonképpen mit is szeretnénk…..
I have been tinkering with the taxonomy of the Hungarian IT job market for a while. My goal was to find dimensions that could assist job seekers to pair their strengths and aspirations with the available options. Last week a friend of mine asked me to meet his buddy, a talented young telco executive…..
Summary: This blog post examines the rationality behind the recurring behavior of firms not willing to accept the wage inflation in case of their existing employees (ie. “urging” them to leave by keeping them at a flat comp for years) while paying the (much higher) market price for the backfills.…..
TLDR: Open Source SW development has changed. Once a protest against closed source SW with questionable price-performance characteristics, initiated by amazing fellows in dorm rooms like Linus Torvalds, today it is driven by a handful mega scale SaaS players to support their own services and used as…..
Summary: Cloud computing is expensive. The recognition of this fact will lead to a small-scale return to on premises computing while importing the cloud operating model. More importantly it will trigger a change how IT and its internal customers think about and use computing resources. This is a…..
I am not quite sure if the observation above is from Niels Bohr or Yogi Bear, but I wholeheartedly believe in it. Some companies create predictions for living, and sometimes they might be wrong. A few months ago, Dave Cappuccio from Gartner made a prediction: “By 2025, 80% of enterprises will have…..
Ez a szösszenet Filippov Gábor: A hibrid ellenforradalom kora c. cikkének a kivonata. A célom az, hogy az egyébként remek politológiai esszéből kiszűrjem a lényeget és átadjam azoknak, akik vélhetőleg nem olvasnák el a 14+ oldalas eredetit. A saját megjegyzéseimet dőlt betűvel jelöltem. A cikk…..
 “Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.”  A few weeks ago, I got into a discussion with a friend of mine who doubted the validity of traditional employee satisfaction (ES) surveys. We agreed…..
A few weeks ago in a customer care related discussion I proposed a mini customer satisfaction survey, something like this one on the right. The idea was a copycat; I saw this simple customer feedback idea at Heathrow airport. I figured it was great since it allowed the customers to express their…..