Count Bobbula
20 bejegyzést írt és 4 hozzászólása volt az általa látogatott blogokban.

Let's not start with the usual 'it's been while'. I'm anyhow talking to myself.
I've decided to start writing memoires for my own self, see where I stand today, where I'll go tomorrow and wherever I'll end up in the end.
My life is like a house of cards. Building carefully and getting good…..

A probléma spiráljában
Többször találkozom azzal a helyzettel, hogy elborítják az embert a problémák és a mindennapi tennivalók. Amikor annyira magunk alatt vagyunk, vagyis inkább annyira elborítva a feladatokkal, hogy luxusnak tetszik magunkkal foglalkozni. Az meg, hogy néhány órát magunkra…..
Count Bobbula
2021.02.15 13:47:02
Nagyon sok múlik a kialakult kémián, anélkül fabatkát sem ér egy terápia, nem működne. Lényeges, hogy a kliens/beteg/páciens úgy érezze, hogy lelkitársra lel a pszichológusában.

6-7 éves lehetettem, amikor az egyik áruházban, nem messze a szüleim büféjétől, megengedték a szüliem, hogy egy 20 forintost bedobjak abba a plüsállathalászó gépbe, amibe mindig úgy betuszkolták az állatokat, hogy igazából jobban járunk, ha egyenesen megvesszük az állványról a nekünk tetsző…..
Count Bobbula
2021.01.07 14:23:10
@Villám Orsi: Sajnos nincs facebook-om... :( Akkor meg kell elégedjek remek írásaival itt a blogon. :)

Hey there, it's been a long time - again. I haven't disappeared, just have been wandering through the cycle of mentality and instability. Going through those damned peaks and valleys. A month ago, my first court-session has taken place. Three years of imagining somehow brought fantasies into reality…..

Dear Diary,
I'm here again. Wasn't far away, just absent. Seeing people getting hurt or upset due to my blogs, decided to stop.Funny to see, that still I only see an urge to write and not read. I'm seeing I have a great number of blogs, but avoid reading them.
It's what I actually am now, what I…..

I have never been so deep into thinking about the very end of existence, or - if my initial perceptions are wrong - whatever's beyond death. Being so near to the end as I have been and seeing others cliffhanging onto the thin thread of life my mind keeps on bringing all these memories to my head,…..

The inner urge to write is nothing more than a false output of everything inside of me wanting to scream out loud to certain persons in particular. Those I love the most. My uncertainty of my own being makes me insecure of my own relationships to others; I'm never sure who can handle what's inside…..

Hi Dad, hope you're doing fine high above us. Hope you have met all your heroes who are suddenly all leaving this planet.
I just wondered... Would you have been proud of me if I'd survive this struggle I'm in right now and have been for the last one year? Or would you have been irritated - as usual…..

I never read back my blog entries, which probably looks funny to the reader, since I'm most probably repeating myself. I do feel that way, I'm not only in a rollercoaster; I'm in a rollercoaster that continuously goes round and round, always the same turns, pikes and hills, never stopping.

So here I am, being. Just being. Don't know if you have ever bothered to think about this. Have you ever felt being really alive? I recently deepened myself in meaning of life. And not the 42 thing. The real thing. Why people feel like going on and on, even while everyday is the same. The same…..

One year has passed since FD. How was it to relive this day? One thing I became aware of is that the nature of celebrating/remembering an event in the past on that same very day is truly symbolic only. It was no different day than any other day. There was no sudden darkness, no solar eclipse or…..

It's kind of astonishing to see how I am able to cover myself and my sad story from the outside. Except for a few, really no one knows about what I'm facing and what spins in my mind. Great addition to this is that even I hide from it myself - day by day.
When first confronted with all the…..

So, how am I doing since my last blog. Pretty good actually. Last week's therapy has been heavy as steel, but also seems to have its expected results. Therapy session was about going straight back to the accident, let all of those nasty flashbacks come and go. Pictures of bleeding guys in my former…..

It's lasting so long, there seems no end to it. In a rather comic way, every single day offers something new, some boggling plot, crazy turns I've never imagined before. Whenever I feel I'm getting somewhere - heading on towards the finish line -, something happens which puts me back to start, like…..

Many people are curious what this psycho-therapy is about what I'm going through. The thing is, that it's extremely hard to explain, since even I can't comprehend what's actually happening.
So, let's see what happens during some of my sessions.
We start normally at Wednesdays around 17:00pm,…..

Still reviving and trying to cope with everyday's struggle to seem normal, I recently had a very honest, tough and painful but true conversation with one very close to me.
He reminded me that in the very core of it all, it's my life and I should be selfish enough to not let anger and frustration…..

In the middle of puberty, all of us will generally feel alone in their own pain, they feel no other person than themselves can comprehend the suffering you're going through. When I was young - Oh, how old I'm feeling now - I've never heard or read about children taking away their own lives because…..

"Well I jumped into the riverToo many times to make it homeI'm out here on my own, an drifting all aloneIf it doesn't show give it timeTo read between the lines"
An excerpt from one of my all-time favourites, and now gaining some genuine understanding from my side. I always liked the song itself…..

I'm a true atheist. Or agnostic. Or whatever you might call it; I never believed in anything which has no evidence of existence, and surely not something which goes far beyond humans' imagination. That goes for all beliefs regardless of race, color, form, method, smell, space or earth.
Moreover, I…..

Imagine yourself in a Superman suit, doing everything he can do. Possibly only children and Comic-con geeks can actually put themselves in Superman's place, and let imagination go its own way. The funny thing is that all of these Superman effects are present in anyone's body, it only needs a…..

Egy régi sláger szövege jutott eszembe a címen gondolkozva. Lehet, hogy régen a coachok és pszichológusok szerepét a táncdalfesztiválok és a Sokol rádiók töltötték be? Azért annyira nem lehetett akkor sem egyszerű az élet…..

People who are diagnosed with PTSD are most commonly not directly suffering from the Trauma itself (Trauma with big T), but instead it's defined as a combination of many small trauma's (small t) exploding when confronted with a big Trauma.
BIG Trauma
Car accidents are quite common -…..

Eversince that fatal day in my life, surviving a severe and mortal car-accident, I've observed completely new features within my personality. One of those is painting. It started out as a keep-yourself-calm therapy and also to be merely occupied not thinking about the terrors I have experienced. I…..
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