Mice Elf
19 bejegyzést írt és 1 hozzászólása volt az általa látogatott blogokban.

On my way Jackie, my host texted me how to get to Xiahe village where the accommodation was located. Because it sounded easy and my train was quite early, I had no reason to panic. On the other hand as I got off in Xiamen, even the distance wasn't enormous towards south, "just" 814km, the heat…..

I have to mention at this point that the hostel in Shanghai was quite cool about practicalities and about their own policies. And they didn't have a single word when I arrived at half midnight instead of eight o'clock. But other than that the customer service was really shit, the hostel was dirty…..

After the army had left, I couldn't fall back to sleep, so I started to pack my stuff preparing for moving out from the train. So did Giorgi who was the only one passenger at that section of the train. He found some sweets left behind by the army and he was nudging to give it to the staff of our…..
Eat the veggies, and go sleep early!
Trans-Siberian Express: Every season has an end
2019.07.20 13:22:10

The officer's presence meant mainly three things. Firstly it effected the army's cleaning habits... When they brushed the train they didn't anymore brushed the remaining part under the bed that Olga had befor. Secondly it effected the army's and my social life. It almost wiped out. It's not that the…..
Eat the veggies, and go sleep early!
Trans-Siberian Express: From cloud nine to catch twenty-two
2019.07.17 07:54:10

The third morning when I woke up and looked at my phone I was a bit disappointed, cus I thought that for some magical reason we'd all wake up early, all rested of course and once for the last time I could hear the jingling sounds of the spoons as everyone is stirring their tea or coffee for the…..

I actually managed to wake up at seven. No snooze, no bs just get up and start doing stuff like a boss. I might have got a bit overconfident and had a shower that wasn't calculated before and as a result, I had to run, almost jump to catch my train to Osnabruck.
Anyone remembers when I said…..
Mice Elf
2019.07.14 02:24:31
@mcsuga: ez olyan post ami csak egy kepet tamogat, a masiknal nem tudok copy pastelni. Majd frissitek kepekkel, ha pc kozelben leszek. Meg ugy filmezek is:D

I slowly stood up and started to follow the crowd, supposedly to the platforms. A minute after I got out from the building I started to feel a bit chilly. I wanted to go back and just leave in the last minute, but the crowd was too big, I had no chance to make it. People were pushing eachother for…..

Expect the cup of yoghurt that I bought a day before (unbelievably) I managed not to add to the list that includes items I forget to pack after leaving hostels (Amsterdam - Mr. Nice book, Helsinki - metal mug). Eventhough I was quite low on social energy in the past days I tried to be friendly to…..

Indeed I didn't take the the wrong subway but it was going to the wrong direction. "Ne problema" just walked to the one opposite where I got off. Guess what! In Moscow opposite subway lines are usually not the same lines to opposite direction. I was on the brown line. I realized this in one stop so…..

On the train before Russia the Finns checked the passports and visas. They also gave a migration form to fill. It had two sheets. They were almost identical but one had written arrival and the other one had departure or leaving or something like that. I filled the arrival page only as I saw that…..

There were two numbers on my Viking Line ferry ticket. One is the departure and I didn't pay too much attention to the other one. I thought the only two information I need are the departure and when they close the gates. With smaller letters it was written they open 90 and they close 30 minutes…..

I think probably SJ, the Swedish train company is the one who provided the best service so far. The train was on time. It was very clean and the seats were comfortable even with my height. There was no hustle like Eurostar's butt inspection in London. And last but not least the pricing was also…..

Arriving to St Pancras International(London) I had a bit different expectations. I thought mine would be just a train like any other one. In Hungary when we used to have Budapest Moscow, it was just on the time table like any other train. After my astonishment was gone I started to follow the…..

After I booked even more planes and the route outlined more, I received an other email from Real Russia. They asked for a cover letter for my Chinese visa application. The letter should provide an explanation of overbooked Xiamen Airbnb, a missing inbound ticket from Vladivostok to China and from…..
Eat the veggies, and go sleep early!
I don't always forget my nationality but when I do...
2019.06.17 21:35:30

When I came back from Hungary, I thought it will be easier after the funeral and I can work up to 400 quid and after that I just take it easy, but It did not happened. I started not to take day offs or brakes just work 7 days a week. Can't even really remember any of this period... Everything is…..

It is a shame that the world doesn't support the impulsive random minority, but as Hungarians say we have to cook what we have the ingredients for. It means if the situation is given, even if we don't like it, it is better to find a way to keep staying in motion than complain about it. What I'm…..
Eat the veggies, and go sleep early!
intermediate train ticked guide(London to Vladovistok)
2019.06.04 17:31:29

I don't wanna cheat and just fly to Russia and still haven't given up the plans to cycle across France and Italy, and also would like to keep the non-dodgy Slavic parts(if there's such a thing) of Europe for an other travel and the list just goes on and on why the only one route left is through…..

I'd really like to see the world, but mostly when I think about traveling my first thought is something like "shit that would cost a lot". So it isn't surprising that most of the times the final influencer on my decision - when I say "rite, let's do it" - is that I find out that it isn't actually…..

At some point even I realised that it isn't that easy to become instagramm famous if I don't like to take pictures. So extra thanks to (echo, cirp cirp anyone's there?) the ones who have taken the effort and clicked this link. A little more background information is that I'm using this website…..
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