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    WIN-WIN A win-win situation is advantageous or satisfactory to all parties involved. Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású kifejezést! Tovább az adventi naptárhoz... ..
    EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE Employee experience, or EX, refers to how employees feel about an organization and how they were treated throughout their employment. Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású kifejezést! Tovább az adventi naptárhoz... ..
    DUCKS IN A ROW To get your ducks in a row means to organize your tasks and schedule so that you are ready for the next step.  Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású kifejezést! Tovább az adventi naptárhoz... ..
    THOUGHT LEADER Thought leaders are the informed opinion leaders and the go-to people in their field of expertise. They become the trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas; turn ideas into reality. Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású…..
    WELLBEING WASHING Well-being washing refers to the practice where companies prioritize projecting an image of being focused on employee well-being for external public relations benefits, while internally neglecting their staff.  Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR…..
    HAPPINESS OFFICER A Happiness Officer is a professional who is responsible for the happiness of employees in a company. The Happiness Officer is reporting to the CEO or founder and is in charge of creating and implementing programs for improving employee satisfaction, motivation, and…..
    HEALTH ORIENTED LEADERSHIP Leadership style that focuses on employee health. Accordingly, the leader supports employee health and shows health-supportive behaviour in order to reduce work-related demands. Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású kifejezést! Tovább…..
    PEOPLE-FIRST CULTURES An employee-first or people-first company culture is a company-wide approach that aims to recognize employees in order to help them feel more connected and motivated. Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású kifejezést! Tovább az adventi…..
    THROW UNDER THE BUS To do something harmful to someone else in order to gain an advantage for yourself. It is typically used to describe a disavowal of a previously amicable relationship to avoid embarrassment. Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású…..
    GREAT RESIGNATION The COVID-19 pandemic was a time of change for the way people worked, and millions of people began quitting their jobs in 2021, starting what is now known as the Great Resignation. Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású kifejezést! Tovább az…..
    LEAPFROG LEADER Sometimes, as the leapfrog leader trend indicates, the individual who rises to the top is something of a surprise. Setting Successors Up to Succeed. Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású kifejezést! Tovább az adventi naptárhoz... ..
    QUIET FIRING Quiet firing -- like quiet quitting -- also addresses the employee-employer relationship. Instead of directly firing a person, quiet firing refers to treating an employee so poorly or disengaging them to the point where they quit on their own. Tarts velünk napról napra és…..
    QUIET QUITTING Quiet quitting refers to doing the bare minimum to get the job done and setting clear boundaries to establish work-life balance.  Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású kifejezést! Tovább az adventi naptárhoz... ..
    BARE MINIMUM MONDAY A new viral trend suggests reducing Monday performance pressure to alleviate anxiety for the start of a new work week. Bare minimum Mondays encourage workers to do the least amount of work possible to start the week.  Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR…..
    FLEXIDUS After the Great Resignation, a new term has entered the workplace lexicon, 'flexidus', referring to the current exodus of women professionals from the workforce due to a lack of flexible policies. Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású kifejezést! Tovább…..
    GARDENING LEAVE An employee's suspension from work on full pay for the duration of a notice period, typically to prevent him/her from having any further influence on the organization or from accessing confidential information. Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású…..
    GREAT RESIGNATION The COVID-19 pandemic was a time of change for the way people worked, and millions of people began quitting their jobs in 2021, starting what is now known as the Great Resignation. Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású kifejezést! Tovább az…..
    NEARSHORING The practice of transferring a business operation to a nearby country, especially in preference to a more distant one, enabling businesses to move their operations to a more cost-effective location. Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású…..
    DISTRIBUTED COMPANY A distributed company is an organization where most, if not all of the workforce, is physically spread across different countries and locations and engage in remote work. Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású kifejezést! Tovább az adventi…..
    THROW UNDER THE BUS To do something harmful to someone else in order to gain an advantage for yourself. It is typically used to describe a disavowal of a previously amicable relationship to avoid embarrassment. Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású…..
    HOT DESKING It is an office organization system that involves multiple workers using and sharing a single physical work station . Hot desking is often found in workplaces with flexible schedules for employees, where not all employees are actually working in the office at the same…..
    HERDING CATS An idiom denoting a futile attempt to control or organize a class of entities, which are inherently uncontrollable—as in the difficulty of attempting to command individual cats into a group (herd). Tarts velünk napról napra és ismerj még több HR vonatkozású…..
    DIGITAL NOMAD With more remote work options, people are moving from place to place, living in a nomadic way. Digital nomads can work anywhere with internet availability. Some countries are even advertising digital nomad visas to encourage people to live in their country temporarily and…..
    WORKFLUENCER Influencers who share work-related content on social media platforms. Since more people work remotely, employees don’t feel they have the normal “water cooler” opportunities to discuss work with other coworkers, so they are turning to social media to talk about frustrations,…..
Kedves Sorstársaim, az üzleti élet szereplői! 2023 is finisbe ért, kezdődik az ADVENT. Mind eddig az előző években, most is szeretnénk valamit átadni nektek. A nyelv folyamatosan fejlődik, kitalálunk új kifejezéseket, hogy érzéseink, szakmai tudásunk üzentét „cizelláljuk” (sicc!). Naponta adunk…..