Mona Lisa Centrum
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Az emberi arc egyik meghatározó karaktere az orr és a fül. Ezek előnytelen formája hátrányos helyzetbe hozhatja tulajdonosát mind a köz-, mind a magánéletben, ezzel pszichés problémák okozója is lehet. Egy jól sikerült plasztikai átalakítás a páciens számára ugrásszerű pozitív változást hoz. Itt…..
We have two fully furnished and equipped flats. Both are recently refurbished to a high standard, each with two bedrooms, separate kitchen, bathroom (wifi and TV included) two minute walk from our Plastic Surgery. We rent these flats to patients requiring accommodation at affordable prices. These…..
BotoxDermarollerDracula TherapyEndermologie (cellulitis treatment)Injectable dermal/wrinkle fillers (hyaluronic acid)Laser GenesisLaser hair removalLip augmentationMesotherapyPlasma skin peelingScar Revision TreatmentSolar GenesisTattoo removalTitan Skin TighteningVaricose veins treatmentWart laser…..
3 Dimensional Space LiftBlepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)Breast augmentationBreast augmentation with Silicone ImplantBreast augmentation with Fat TransferBreast liftBreast ReductionEar Surgery-Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Pinning)Face liftingFacial reconstruction with gold threadsLabiaplastyLiposuctionMole…..
Plasztikai Beavatkozások:
Spring Thread
Aranyszál behúzás
Mellnagyobbítás implantátummal (Polytech, Allergan)
Mellnagyobbítás saját zsírral
Mellkisebbítés felvarrással
3D Zsírbetöltés
Regeneratív Terápiák:
Őssejtes izület kezelés..
Esztétikai Kezelések:
Lézeres hajszálér és visszérkezelés
Ajak-, Ráncfeltöltés
Lézeres körömgomba és szemölcs kezelés
Lézeres tettoválás eltávolítás
Laser Genesis - pórus összehúzó kezelés
Lézeres szőrtelenítés
Solar Genesis - barna folt kezelés
BOTOX Cosmetic Treatments
There are two categories of facial wrinkles: static and dynamic. Static wrinkles are visible when your face is at rest. Static wrinkles occur during the aging process because of the loss of elastic tissue. Dynamic wrinkles appear temporarily when a muscle contracts during…..
Enhancing your appearance with ear surgery
If protruding or disfigured ears bother you or your child, you may consider plastic surgery. Ear surgery — also known as otoplasty — can improve the shape, position or proportion of the ear. It can correct a defect in the ear structure that is present at…..
The American Clinic
In corroboration with doctors around the world, we use the latest procedures, techniques and equipment to ensure the best results with minimal healing time possible for the patient. One of our specialties is fat transfer to the face, breast, buttocks and other parts of the body.…..
3 Dimensional Space Lift- Stem Cell Fat Grafting
Facial aging is essentially caused by two things - loss of fat and skin elasticity. That's right. It's that simple. Gravity does not cause aging, it only affects how we look in different positions. As we age, the skin envelope gets closer to the…..
Warts are benign (non-cancerous) skin growths, most commonly found on the hands and feet. They are caused by viruses (there are around 60 known wart-causing viruses in existence). Warts are highly contagious as the affected skin cells release the viruses, so hygiene is of the utmost importance if…..
LIPOSUCTION: Conventional vs. VASER
Liposuction, is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed. Often, localized fat deposits may develop in various regions of the body. These regions usually persist in spite of proper diet and exercise, which contributes to the disproportionate…..
Laser Vein Removal Introduction
Together, spider veins and varicose veins affect approximately 80 million people in the United States each year. Spider veins are most commonly located on the face and legs. In contrast, varicose veins tend to be localized on the backside of the calf or along the…..
A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures performed. Often, factors such as multiple pregnancies and genetics can contribute to the development of loose skin, fat deposits, and stretch marks in the abdominal region. Even substantial weight loss can…..
Titan is a safe, infrared light source that will heat the skin below the surface. This process of heating may cause immediate collagen contraction but during the procedure, the skin's surface will be protected through the continuous cooling using the Titan handpiece. After the procedure, new…..
Aptos threads face lifting
The aptos procedure is a very simple way of performing a facelift. This procedure was first developed in Russia by Dr. M. Sulamanidze, and further developed by Dr. Des Fernandes from South Africa. This procedure has largely replaced traditional face lifts for patients…..
Having second thoughts about your tattoo?
If so, you're not alone. Every day, patients from every walk of life have second thoughts about their tattoos. What once seemed like a good idea just doesn't fit your new image, and you wish it would just go away. Now, your wish can come true. Using an…..
Removal of sun spots and age spots
Solar Genesis is an innovative way to quickly, safely and comfortably remove sun spots and age spots from your face, chest, arms, and hands, without gel or topical anesthetics. The signs of sun damage will flake off after one or two treatments, leaving clear,…..
Nose reshaping, or rhinoplasty, is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed today. Often, the structure or size of the nose is not proportionate with the other features on the face. Nose reshaping procedures can help to correct the disproportionate appearance of the nose by…..
Portrait® Skin Regeneration
Smoothes away wrinkles and enhances skin tone and texture.
A new dramatically different, clinically proven treatment.
PortraitR skin regeneration is unlike any other treatment available today. It is the first and only technology proven to deliver true skin…..
What Is Mesotherapy Treatment?
Mesotherapy treatment is a non surgical cosmetic solution aimed at diminishing problem areas in your body such as cellulite excess weight, body contouring, and face/neck rejuvenation, just to name a few. It is administered via numerous injections containing various…..
Liposuction, which is also known as lipoplasty, is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed. Often, localized fat deposits may develop in various regions of the body. These regions usually persist in spite of proper diet and exercise, which contributes to the disproportionate…..
Injectable Lip Augmentation
Lip augmentation creates fuller, plumper lips and reduces fine wrinkles around the mouth. Lips may be injected with hyaluronic acid or with fat transferred from another site in the patient's body. Both hyaluronic acid and fat are absorbed and repeat treatments are…..
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