Szabi Huszti
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Május elején a Hillsong New York megagyülekezet női konferenciáján fellépett a híres Meztelen Cowboy. Pontosabban, nem a Times Square híres-hírhedt Naked Cowboy-a, hanem a Hillsong egyik ifjúsági pásztora állt ki alsónadrágban, hogy a több ezer fős lelkes női közönség előtt énekeljen. És nem, ez nem…..
Belépve többet láthatsz. Itt beléphetsz
So how did someone come on stage imitating Times Square’s famous Naked Cowboy, (during a fun moment involving lots of other people), at the Colour Conference in NYC? It’s a good question, I’ve been trying to work that out myself.
I do know that Bobbie – my wife – who was convener of the conference was clearly unaware that this was going to happen and was taken back by it. She was at the dress rehearsal and there was no sign of a naked cowboy lookalike there. Carl and Laura Lentz were also not part of the decision. I can only guess at this point, that some one thought it would be funny and sent him out there without thinking about the ramifications.
What I do know is that those who perpetuate the story, do so mainly with the help of a video, no context, and a good dose of what the bible describes as hearsay and rumour. He was wearing proper shorts, not underwear, and he had a flag draped over him.
What I also know is that talk of apostates etc., is nonsense. Some well-meaning person just made a silly decision. It is unlikely to happen again.