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Erotikus munka blog ;))) 2014.01.13 16:16:00
"Hi, I am interested in a visit to your place. Please let me know more details about the prices and services included for a specific price. I couldn\'t find those details on your website. Thank you. Regards, ............" Megjegyzés: megnéztem a hirdetőoldalt, a profilomon linkelve van az…..
Erotikus munka blog Bdsm meló 2014.01.11 15:00:56
Van egy olyan érzésem, hogy a mostani bejegyzést a nem túl figyelmes olvasó félre fogja érteni, de ettől függetlenül megírom. Szóval megvolt életem első bdsm-melója. Oké, ha belegondolok, tulajdonképpen ilyen a párommal volt először, amikor megismerkedtünk, viszont az a…..
paintedtie 2014.01.13 20:28:54
My impression is there is a significantly larger range of BDSM "flavors", than vanilla (normal) "flavors".
You would know better than I what kind of variety exists with vanilla clients.
I feel informed enough about BDSM to state that the the variety is huge.
So, if this is true, I expect you would match with a larger percentage of vanilla clients than BDSM clients.
Ma dolgoztam volna, de le kellett mondanom a dolgot - az okot nem jelölném meg, de tényleg előre nem nagyon látható helyzet volt (na, mondjuk egy 30-40%-os esélyt adtam volna neki, beismerem). Az illetővel fél 6-kor találkoztam volna, és 3 körül írtam neki, hogy le kell mondanom. Ehhez…..
paintedtie 2014.01.01 17:26:31
NNB, I applaud your decision to block Hátrányos helyzetű kaviár. I am very new in my participation on this blog, but in the brief conversations I had with her, I was very surprised that she seemed to always avoid the main point of something I said. She would chose a small point of my statement, and use that as a means to make her own statement. No sense of discussion. Just her looking for opportunities to argue her own agenda.
A blog such as this is a "community". This community is a nicer place without her.
Thank you for doing a good thing.
paintedtie 2014.01.03 19:31:57
Sexwork and meaningful friendships

Once again, I thank you all for welcoming me into the blog. I especially am grateful that you include those of us that do not speak Hungarian. But on to what I wish to write about . . .

I can quickly think of 4 friendships that came out of my involvement with the sexwork world. I am interested in hearing other's stories of any similar experiences.

Regarding one specific friendship: I used to be more active on a forum in my area, at that time I became very impressed with the writing of one sexworker in particular. She could write in such an interesting way on a wide variety of subjects. I began to correspond with her, asking advice on some situations, or commenting on something she had written, etc.

Most of that was 2 years ago or more, but still we stay in contact. I wrote to her asking for advice on a situation as recently as early this week.

btw, we never met. Not sure why I did not pursue that, but, at least for me, it has become more comfortable to maintain an email based friendship. If we were to meet, I think that might disturb the existing friendship. Perhaps irrational, but still, I am comfortable with how it is now.

But back to my question. I would enjoy hearing stories of friendships (sexual or nonsexual) that have developed out of a sexwork context. I am interested in this because it is so different than the "popular" view of sexwork as a cold, hard, uncaring world.

In this same category of course, is the story of how Ivonn and I came to be partners. But I will save that for another occasion :)
(Megj: az eset pár napja történt) Szóval tegnap írt az ember, este 8-kor (optimista, vagy nagyon nem talált mást): Hi I am ...............I am italian and I stai in .................... in Budapest. Are you free later for about 1 hour? How much is your price? I wait for your…..
paintedtie 2014.01.03 11:55:08
@noname.blogger: gondolod?:O.