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         Michigan-ben az utolsó tíz poll átlaga 2016-ban 3.8 százalékos Clinton előny volt, tegnap átlagban 8 százalékos Biden előnye. 2016-ban 47.57-47.26-ra nyert Trump Clinton ellen.         Wisconsinban az utolsó tíz poll átlaga 2016-ban 6 százalékos Clinton előny volt, tegnap átlagban 10…..
geneticist 2020.10.31 08:56:42
One thing seems clear: the white vote in these swing states has stayed more-or-less in Trump's camp. I can't see any evidence that contradicts that. There are articles that focus on niche segments in the white vote, such as college-educated women etc, pointing out that they are swaying towards Biden. But none of this matters -- the only thing that matters is the total, aggregate vote, and all of what I am seeing points to the whites going about between 50 and 70% in favour of Trump in the swings ... That is critical because when you have a place like Minnesota where over 80% of the pop is white, you need to obtain a 10-fold increase in black voter turnout to cancel out about 1% of the white vote. That's of course assuming that every single black person votes for Biden. I am rounding my numbers, but that is essentially the case. ...

South Carolina
63% of the population is white. 75% of that segment supports Trump.
This adds up to 47% of the aggregate vote going for Trump. At this point, it puts Trump just 4% from winning the state. Ie -- if every single non-white person in SC voted against Trump, he would be just 3% plus 1 vote shy of victory.
- 26% of the population is African American
- 6% Latino
If we assume that 80% African Americans support Biden and that 100% actually vote (which is impossible), this goes to 6% of African Americans voting for Trump; translating to about 1.5% of the aggregate vote. For Latinos, it’s 40% for Trump. 40% of 6% is about 2.5% of the total vote. Then the Vietnamese vote gives an additional 1%. All this translates to an additional 8-10% for Trump, adding up to 57% total.

I think the question is: has the vote in the dominant demographic in swing states changed? The answer to that question as far as i can see is: no.
      Mintha kínos lenne Bíró László képviselőjelölt úrról írni. Igen, ő az egyesített ellenzék jelöltje Tiszaújvárosban és hát szegény éppen antiszemita. Lehetne ő antikvitás, akkor a kvitások panaszkodnának, vagy antilop és akkor a Mészáros Lőrinc, de épp antiszemita ez a derék ember, úgyhogy…..
Ez egy vitaposzt lesz - talán először a blog történetében. Sajnálatos módon válság van, nekünk meg termelni kell a GDP-t, és mint azt megfigyelhettétek, időnként kimarad egy - egy frissülés. Igyekszünk, hogy ez ne így legyen. Mi a f.. van? Ma egy hajmeresztő interjút olvastam…..