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Zeno Vernyik

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Eimi The First Review 2009.05.13 23:53:00
I have just found the first review of our edited volume, Words Into Pictures. E. E. Cummings' Art Across Borders. It is extremely short and it barely goes beyond summarizing the book's main contents. Actually, it is rather an extended blurb than anything else. Yet, it is nice to know that someone…..
Eimi Words into Pictures 2008.04.19 17:51:00
Finally, it is here. The first book-length project I'm (at least partially) responsible for is available in a material form. The volume Words into Pictures: E. E. Cummings' Art Across Borders hit the shelves some time ago. In addition to part of the editing work, there is an essay of mine in the…..
Egy lépésre vagyunk az A csoporttól. Egy nagyon nagy lépésre. Ahhoz, hogy világra szóló siker keretében feljussunk az elitbe, meg kell vernünk az oda erősen visszavágyó Ukrajnát. Muszáj ezt kiszurkolni valahogy. Élőben közvetítünk, szövegesen.És mindjárt az elején felhívjuk…..
Zeno Vernyik 2008.04.19 13:53:20
Eimi Daniel's Visit 2007.08.20 16:49:00
After the long silence of roughly two months, I am back with another retrospective entry. Sorry for the delay, if there is anyone to apologize to, that is. In early July, my friend, Daniel, visited me for a week or so. He had done so a few times in the past, but this was the first time he decided…..