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Kedves olvasóink! Blogunk 2021. március 8-án aímre költözött. Dear readers, from March 2021 you can find us at QueridXs lectorXs, el 8 marzo 2021 nuestro blog se traslada…..
Un homme âgé de 34 ans a harcelé une femme de 32 ans pendant dix-huit mois ; il a même installé un traqueur dans sa voiture, peut-on lire dans le communiqué de presse de Parquet de la ville de Győr. Ils s'étaient rencontrés en mai 2019, l'homme voulait entrer en relation amoureuse avec elle, mais…..
Een 82-jarige man werd aangeklaagd door het parket van de hoofdaanklagers van het district Győr-Moson-Sopron omdat hij in 2019 letsel zijn vrouw had toegebracht wat indirect haar dood veroorzaakte. De man werd ‘boos’ op zijn vrouw omdat ze de rolluiken op de begane grond niet was opgetrokken tot hij…..
Almost every time the media reports yet another case of intimate partner or domestic violence, the usual question emerges: does violence have a gender? Although in the majority of cases the news is about women who were abused, or in worse cases, murdered by men, there are still some who claim that…..
Une expérience répugnante dans les chambres d'enfants   A l'initiative du réalisateur trois jeunes actrices prétendaient être mineures afin de lever le voile sur ce qui se passe dans un chat room populaire. Caught in the Net est une expérience qui fait réfléchir. Ce film révèle comment cette forme…..
„Mein Arzt kommt. Er untersucht mich. Es tut höllisch weh. Ich könnte schreien... Der diensthabende Arzt kommt... Er untersucht mich auch. Komisch, diesmal tut es nicht so weh. Mein Arzt ist da, dann untersucht er mich auch schnell. Es tut höllisch weh. Es braucht etwas Zeit, bis ich realisiere, was…..
Ein kleiner Hinweis: Es wird eine lange Geschichte sein. ...und der Juli 2014 ist gekommen. Ich kann mich nicht mehr genau erinnern, an welchem Tag ich den Entbindungstermin hatte, aber ich hatte von Anfang an das Gefühl, dass mein Mädchen nicht bis zu diesem Termin warten wird. Ich habe allen…..
Február elsején egy esti talk-showban Mia Skrbinac színésznő elmondta: amíg a Ljubljanai Színházi, Rádiós, Televíziós és Filmakadémián (AGRFT) tanult, egyik tanára, egy ismert színész, két éven át szexuálisan zaklatta. A Total Slovenia News szerint a színésznő beszámolt arról, hogy lelki és fizikai…..
The priest who molested A. – let’s call him Brúnó – used to organize camps for children in a bad socio-economic situation from congregations near Budapest. Thousands of children from the most vulnerable classes participated in these camps, but we do not know how many fell victim to the sexual…..
“Crass, systematical intimate partner violence was constructed in front of our eyes: from punishment by silence through a destruction of a woman’s personality and self-esteem to verbal abuse and threats”, wrote media researcher and opinion journalist Vera Mérő in a Facebook post on the 10th season….. 01. 13. 11:09 In 2020, 65% more domestic violence crimes were registered in Hungary than in 2019: 650 cases, as opposed to 392 a year before. The number of registered sexual abuse cases has also grown by 36%, from 240 in 2019 to 327 in 2020. 56 cases of sexual coercion were registered in…..
What can political decision makers do to eliminate violence against women? How did the government conclude the Year of Victim Assistance? During Mérce’s roundtable discussion on Wednesday organized within the 16 Days of Activism Kata Ámon, Fanni Dés and Barbara Tonté provided possible solutions…..
There has never been a judgment in Hungary where the court had to put a price tag on a woman’s genitals. The victim of the case, known as the lye attack, initiated a legal action for damages against her assailant, a former hospital director, in 2017, but the civil law procedure was set aside until…..
Hungarian journalist Nóra Miavecz has worked as a volunteer in London and South Africa for various civil society organizations specialized in helping prostitutes and victims of sex trafficking. Borbála Juhász from the Hungarian Women’s Lobby interviewed her about the interconnections of…..
A 52-year-old man was found having been peeping at altogether 17 guests while they were using the bathroom. He was not just peeping; he also made recordings about the guests and many pornographic pictures about children were found on his computer too. The District Attorney’s Office of Kaposvár…..
Mijn naam is Ilona Sallai. Ik heb een verstandelijke beperking. In dit artikel schrijf ik over de vrouwen die een verstandelijke beperking hebben, en over mijn eigen ervaringen.   Dit artikel wordt in eenvoudig Nederlands geschreven. Ondersteunende Communicatie is een methode, waarmee de…..
Where we started from Talking about the media representation of gender-based violence, we can all bring up horrifying examples. And though we might claim that the situation has improved enormously in the past decades, some memorable cases from the recent past show that we often automatically…..
The police, the court system, health care and even the education system may betray those abused women who, when seeking help, turn to institutions that were meant to offer protection - this was the main subject of the discussion on Monday night, broadcasted on Facebook , organized by Patent…..
Il tweet #MeToo di Alyssa Milano ha fatto scalpore tutto il mondo nel 2017. Al suo post quasi immediatamente ne sono seguiti migliaia con l’hashtag #MeToo e nei prossimi giorni il loro numero si è moltiplicato rapidamente. Ma lo sanno in pochi che il movimento #MeToo è stato lanciato da Tarana Burke…..
Alissa Milano’s 2017 #MeToo tweet caused a huge uproar worldwide. Thousands answered Milano’s post with the hashtag Metoo almost instantly, and these numbers increased rapidly as the days passed. Few are aware that the #MeToo movement was originally started by Tarana Burke ten years earlier, in…..
Misvatting: Partnergeweld is een privézaak. Feit: Partnergeweld is een maatschappelijk probleem. Iedereen heeft recht op een leven zonder geweld en de bescherming van slachtoffers is algemeen belang. Als je getuige van mishandeling bent, is je burgerplicht om melding te doen bij de politie. Als je…..
Pedophilia and sex tourism are grave crimes of child abuse, which affect millions of children every year. Sex tourism is a global industry bringing billions of dollars, wherein children from Brazil, Cambodia, Thailand, Colombia and Kenya are prey to well-situated Wester customers. We would like to…..
Mythe : La violence conjugale est un problème d'ordre privé. Réalité : La violence conjugale est un problème d'ordre social. Toute personne a le droit de vivre libre de violence, et il est dans l'intérêt général de protéger les victimes. C’est notre devoir civique d’appeler la police si on est…..