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A nemzet szíve egyszerre dobban, ha meglátja szárnyalni a 2rule-t! ..
Bgking 2018.07.26 00:03:47
@Bgking: Ka, es mellesleg, tuti van marketingese, es ha igazan az adidasnak, meg nikenak akar konkurenciat, akkor nem egy ilyen faszsaggal fog versenyt inditani. To rule, az adidas ellen a beka segge alol! Ugyan mar...
Bgking 2018.07.26 11:06:56
@ételizésítő: Dear Mr ételizésítő
I have had some English lessons at school when I was young. I didn’t care too much, but I’ve learnt something. Maybe 5%. Then, much later, I moved to the UK. These idiots can understand me, and I can understand them too. Very interesting. And I understand their jokes, they understand my jokes. And they like to play with language just like us in Hungary. You can say that 2rule is kettő rule, but you know the best that this is bullshit. But if you feel yourself better, do it. By the way, I’m not lipsi.... I just cannot understand your idiotism in Hungary. Both sides...